Ian Dixson Head of Humanities The High Arcal School
Applying GIS Year 9 Sustainable Development “How might the negative environmental impacts of the High Arcal estate best be reduced?”
How does this work in reality? ICT rooms booked on a rota basis for all Year 9 classes Geography department website acts as a repository for teaching and learning materials Pupils work through tasks in a supportive environment using GIS, websites and printed materials to support learning
Map work: locate and define High Arcal Estate using GISMO Change Citizenship
Count up the number of properties in different categories, enter into a spreadsheet and calculate waste produced in the area
Consider how to reduce negative impacts of an urban area
Rank changes to assess BEST way to reduce negative impacts
Differentiated worksheets to assist pupils in writing their conclusions
Conclusions: Addresses a variety of learning styles Introduced pupils (and staff!) to GISMO Used GISMO to support learning Has the wow factor Links to real life situations Includes Citizenship activities but…. Have lost access to ICT rooms due to introduction of half course ICT Reverted to mixed ability teaching….this approach worked particularly well with top half of Year group Was a lengthy project (half a term),,…,too long for some to sustain impetus
Way forward Re-write as a shorter project linking to issues such as global warming Try to regain access to ICT rooms Consider how such projects can be included in a VTLE such as Kaleidos to support learning off-site.