Wireless Series Matthieu HAMEAU
Market situation
4 Market overview (F&S 2008) « Wireless terminals are one of the fastest growing segments in the market » –High in 1-2 years –Medium in 3-6 years « Terminal price remain the major differentiating factor » –Wireless = mature market Security standards such as PCI are the 1st market driver source:
5 Market overview (F&S 2008)
Our situation
7 Short range wireless offer requested to complete our range –Wireless payment around a central point (base) –“Payment at the table” (Restaurant), Pub, Gas Stations, … Eagerly requested by EMEA: –France –UK (RBS) –Italy –RSA (Altech) –Middle-East KSA Required to protect our customer ABSA (in RSA) Need to re-use M-series design –Time to market –PCI v1.3 compliant –Cost efficient Estimated 2007 Shipments Installed Base (Jan 07) UK France Italy RSA
Our answer no 1
9 W-1: cordless terminal W-1 launch achieved! 1st production: December 2009 Features / Benefits : –Offline portable (off-line transactions except when terminal is on the base) –Derivative from M-Series –Entry of mobility range –Full autonomy of the handset –Easy connectivity in the base –No major modifications to stick to PCI PED Display at Cartes 2009 !
Our answer no 2
11 W-8: wireless terminal GO decision took 7th of September Technology: Bluetooth class 1 (range 100m) R&D materials for NPI January 2010 Alpha prod (1st sample) April 2010 Beta prodJune 2010 Mass prodJuly 2010
12 Technology choice Wifi –Pros: IP based. High speed. Fast time-to-market. Can be used « handset only ». Future technology. NAM interest. –Cons: Lowest range. Radio interferences. Difficult to install (WPA, WEP keys). Requires xDSL access. R&D feasibility unsure. Market not ready. Bluetooth –Pros: Low consumption. Average speed. Cheap. Easy to install. Good time-to-market. –Cons: Medium range (class1). Radio interferences. Requires dev. of handset+base. DECT –Pros: High range. No radio interferences. Average speed. Easy to install. Our clients LOVE X1000 DECT. –Cons: Expensive. Technology obsolescence. Requires dev. of handset + base. Wifi + Bluetooth –Pros: Can be used « handset only » or with a base. More flexibility for mainteners. –Cons: Extra-cost for both technologies. Radio interferences. Medium range. High time to market. R&D feasibility unsure.
13 Maximum performance : Best lead-time : re-use of the M-series plastics & motherboard –Fast and easy to implement Powerful terminal: develop an « intelligent base » with Bluetooth techno –Remote Modem, Serial and Ethernet –Fast connectivity over long distances –32bits ARM9 provides speed and functionality Highly secure — includes the key security market requirements (PCI PED) Multi-handset configuration –Required for France even if rarely used –Competition standard Best connectivity - USB connection on the base –Check reader connection –Competition standard
14 Competition ManufacturerGemaltoIngenicoVerifoneHypercom Terminal W-seriesEFT930-BVx 670M4240 Picture Dimension (mm) Length Width Height Weigth (g) Main Processor ARM bits ARM9 32 bits Secure Co-ProcessorARM bits No Memory Min. or Std Flash: 8 Mb RAM: 16 Mb Flash: 16 Mb - SDRAM: 8 Mb Flash: 8 Mb SRAM: 4 Mb Flash: 8 Mb RAM: 16 Mb Max. size MMC or SDCard connector Display 128 x 64 white led. 128x64 white led. color screen option 128*128 white led 16 lines with 21 characters 160*80 white led PrinterLines / Sec Battery tech. Li-Ion - SocketLithium-IonLithium-Ion - PackLithium-Ion Bluetooth tech.Class 1 (100m+) ??? (100m) Class 1 (100m+) Handset Communication USB Master Mini USB Slave + Mini USB Master Single multi-port connector: RS232, USB host, USB Slave, integrated charging RS232 Comm. on Base (Not wireless) USB Master + RS232 + Ethernet + Modem 2 x RS + Ethernet + USB Slave or 1 x RS + v32bis + USB Slave Modem V34, RS232, Ethernet RS232 + Modem V90 OR RS232 + Ethernet Me-too product Pay at the table 100m. range battery >200 transaction RTC / Ethernet Key features: Price Radio coverage Simple setup
Thank you