Pelagianism By Jerry Hsu #20
What is Pelagianism? According to the Christian Apologetics and Research Ministry: A type of heresy Nature of man “ is basically good and morally unaffected by [Original Sin]” Simply put: Fundamentally just Concept of Libertarian Free Will VERY EXPLICITLY: Men did not need Divine Aid to continue faith
History & Origin British monk and theologian Well versed in Greek and Latin Accentuated importance of human factor in salvation Denies concepts of: Original Sin Imputation of Adam’s sin Total Depravity Substitutionary Atonement Traveled to Rome (380 BC) Taught not as priest, but spiritual director Sought to reform Rome’s religious and moral laxity Pelagius (354 ~ 420 AD)
History & Origin - Continued Pelagius’ ideas contradicted ideas of Roman Manicheans Clashed with beliefs of Determinism and Fatalism Ideas massively influenced by prominent authors: Augustine Jerome Rufinus Origen Debate with Augustine on will of man and issues relating to God
Pelagius Socianism Mankind morally good Natural Innocence Human Free Will Determines his actions Therefore... Not dependent on God for salvation Condemned as heresy Augustine Calvinism Mankind morally corrupt Natural Corruption Human Free Will Unable to refrain from sinning Therefore… Dependent on God for salvation Accepted as status quo
Heresy Council of Carthage (418 A.D.) Branded as heresy Council of Ephesus (431 A.D.) Condemned again Banished from Greek portion of church However, teachings continued Thrived in Britain and Gaul Eventually viewed as radical heresy Declined in believers and influence
Semi-Pelagianism Middle ground between Pelagianism and Augustinianism Condemned at Synod of Orange (529 A.D.) Numerous proclamations against semi-Pelagianism Doctrines Affirmed Augustinianism beliefs Belief continued in Western (Roman) churches
Post-Reformation Emerged again after Reformation as Arminianism Stands in strong contrast against Calvinism Mainly differed from norm on: Predestination Election Salvation Ideas articulated in Five Articles of Remonstrance (1610) Stresses man’s decision to accept or reject salvation offered by Christ Accentuates Free Will Underscores internal goodness of man as natural state
To Sum Things Up... Belief that thrived in 4 ~ 5 A.D. Stressed good nature of humans/independence of Divine influence Free Will Human control instead of predestination Denial of Original Sin Condemned by Church and branded heresy The exact opposite of beliefs in Bible
References Sites: 1.Matt Slick. “Pelagianism.” Christian Apologetics & Research Ministry, n.d. Web. 12 December, “Pelagianism.” Theopedia, n.d. Web. 12 December, “Pelagius.” Theopedia, n.d. Web. 12 December, Jason Shanks. “Pelagianism and Apologetics for Today.” Caritas et Veritas, 10 August, Web. 12 December, Abudullah et al. “Pelagius.” Encylopaedia Britannica, 2 January, Web. 12 December, “Arminianism.” Theopedia, n.d. Web. 12 December, 2015.
References - Continued Images: 1.Pelagius Portrait: 2.Map of Carthage: 3.Map of Ephesus: Background Theme by