INTRODUCTION Initially used to process accounting transactions(EDP) Gradually other transactions and data processing were computerized EDP began to support management with information It came to called Computer Based information System or MIS
IS generates information from Data Data in the form of raw material It subjected to some manipulation to generate Information Managers need a steady flow of information for effective and efficient functioning
EVOLUTION OF MIS IS is as old as recorded human history It had its fast growth in the last few centuries Until the last few hundred years ago all business were local and small in operation A single individual can perform all activities by himself But when the business grew from local to global , the chief executive of such business has to depend on reports
It is not possible to visit all the plants and warehouses by himself In this case IS is that keep keps him informed of his corporative activities Such a full-fledged IS requires an organized system This needs a massive investment also
GROWTH OF MIS MIS as a discipline is a study of generation, storage, communication of information and its impact on people and organization This is influenced by a no: of other disciplines
FACTORS AFFECTING THE GROWTH OF MIS Growth of management theory Growth of Management Accounting Change in Organizational Structure Development in Management Science Development in IT Growth of Internet
MANAGEMENT THEORY & MIS Business management is a profession Management is the single and most important factor in the business success Lots of theories have been written about management Lots of management techniques have been developed to solve management problems MIS oriented towards achieving managerial goals and objectives
MANAGERIAL ACCOUNTING & MIS Managerial Accounting has a group of tools and techniques for managers to analyze financial data for decision making It projects trends in cost and prices It calculates profitability of products These tools and techniques are widely used in MIS
ORGANIZATION STRUCTURE OF MIS Business growth needs changes in the organization structure In simple business the sole trader was the sole owner and manger Later ownership was separated from management When owner’s managerial skills proved inadequate to mange business they hired managers
Several layers of management were created The transition from single to complex business brought about radical changes in the structure and reporting requirements of organization Organizations are created for certain purpose To achieve this goal it requires bringing people together to work
If the no: of management layers are more then the complexity is also more Greater the complexity, greater is the role of MIS MIS takes care of information flow It collects data extensively and generate meaningful information for specified end users
MANAGEMENT SCIENCE & MIS Another notable contribution to MIS came from the management science discipline OR is the application of mathematical and statistical tools ad techniques to business problem solving OR required file keeping on every significant data and thus reinforced the role of MIS in business management
MIS extensively employs Management Science concepts, tools & techniques such as linear programming, inventory modeling, querying theory etc MIS stores many information so that managers can retrieve this to manipulate them
INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY & MIS Computer is a tool for rapid calculation It has a massive information storage & retrieval facilities growth in Computer Technology made modern MIS possible The speed , accuracy and retrieval facility in computer makes it a pivot in modern MIS The advance in IT have enabled managers to interact face to face with subordinates or superiors far away through video conference , video phone etc