Y Profion Darllen The Reading Tests Y broses ddatblygu The development process Mawrth 2014 March 2014.


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Presentation transcript:

Y Profion Darllen The Reading Tests Y broses ddatblygu The development process Mawrth 2014 March 2014

Llinell Amser Timeline Comisiynwyd NFER i greu prawf darllen safonedig (Cymraeg a Saesneg ar wahân) 2010 – Commissioned to create standardised reading tests in English and Welsh (independently) 2012 – Fframwaith Llythrennedd a Rhifedd yn dod i rym + treialu’r profion 2012 – Literacy and Numeracy Framework introduced + trialling 2013 – Y profion darllen a gweithdrefnau rhifiadol ‘byw’ cyntaf 2013 – First ‘live’ reading and procedural numeracy tests cyflwyno rhesymu rhifiadol2014 – numerical reasoning introduced

Y cylch creu Development cycle Cam 1 dewis/creu testunau + sêl bendith LlC Step 1 Text searching + WG approval Cam 2 treialu anffurfiol ar destunau mewn ysgolion ‘cyfeillgar’ Step 2 Informal trialling in ‘friendly’ schools Cam 3 ysgrifennu eitemau (h.y. cwestiynau) Step 3 Item writing (i.e. questions) Cam 4 treialu eitemau (100% yn fwy na’r hyn sydd ei angen) adrodd i LC Step 4 Item trial (100% more than final number of items needed) Report to WG Cam 5 Treial safoni adrodd i LC Step 5 Standardisation Report to WG

Dulliau ymateb Question types aml ddewismultiple choice dewis a chopïofind and copy tanlinelluunderline cyfatebmatching labelulabelling llenwi tabltable completion trefnusequencing

Cwestiynau sampl Sample items

Mapio i’r fframwaith Mapping to the framework Elfen: sequencingElement: Agweddau: Aspects: Dysgwyr yn gallu: Learners are able to: Canfod, dethol a defnyddio gwybodaeth Locating, selecting and using information Strategaethau darllen Reading strategies  Defnyddio sgiliau dadgodio, a gwybodaeth am ystyr neu strwythur geiriau wrth ddehongli brawddegau  Apply decoding skills, and semantic or syntactic knowledge to sentences Ymateb i’r hyn a ddarllenwyd / Responding to what has been read Darllen a deall Comprehension  Adalw syniadau a/neu wybodaeth  Tynnu casgliadau  Dehongli a/neu gyfosod syniadau a/neu wybodaeth  Retrieve ideas and/or information  Infer and/or deduce  Interpret and/or synthesise ideas and/or information Ymateb a dadansoddi Response and analysis  Gwerthuso strwythur a/neu gyflwyniad a/neu drefn testun  Gwerthuso iaith  Evaluate text structure and/or presentation and/or organisation  Evaluate language

Dadansoddi deiagnostig Diagnostic tool at ddefnydd athrawon ar ôl marcio for teachers’ use after marking rces/national-reading-tests-and- lnf-diagnostic-support- tool/?lang=cy rces/national-reading-tests-and- lnf-diagnostic-support- tool/?skip=1&lang=en

Sample coding analysis Overall class results per question Question number % pupils with correct answer National Literacy and Numeracy ElementNational Literacy and Numeracy Framework skill Pumpkins Comprehension9Response & analysis2 190%ComprehensionInterpret and/or synthesise ideas and/or information 250%ComprehensionRetrieve ideas and/or information 330%ComprehensionRetrieve ideas and/or information 440%Response and analysisEvaluate language 580%ComprehensionInterpret and/or synthesise ideas and/or information 660%ComprehensionRetrieve ideas and/or information 770%ComprehensionInterpret and/or synthesise ideas and/or information 860%ComprehensionInfer and/or deduce 980%ComprehensionInterpret and/or synthesise ideas and/or information 1060%Response and analysisEvaluate text structure and/or presentation and/or organisation 1160%ComprehensionRetrieve ideas and/or information

Enghraifft o ddadansoddiad Canlyniadau dosbarth fesul cwestiwn Rhif y cwestiwn % yr atebion cywirElfen yn y FframwaithAgwedd a asesir Dewis Capten Darllen a deall5Ymateb a dadansoddi5 180%Darllen a deallAdalw syniadau a/neu wybodaeth 260%Darllen a deallDehongli a/neu ddod i gasgliad 350%Ymateb a dadansoddiGwerthuso strwythur a/neu gyflwyniad a/neu drefn testun 470%Ymateb a dadansoddiGwerthuso iaith 560%Ymateb a dadansoddiGwerthuso iaith 670%Ymateb a dadansoddiGwerthuso iaith 730%Darllen a deallDehongli a/neu ddod i gasgliad 850%Darllen a deallDehongli a/neu gyfuno syniadau a/neu wybodaeth 980%Ymateb a dadansoddiGwerthuso strwythur a/neu gyflwyniad a/neu drefn testun 1060%Darllen a deallDehongli a/neu gyfuno syniadau a/neu wybodaeth