Europe The Provisional Government was established to provide democratic rule after WWI Most of Europe was used to a type of monarchy Many countries had a variety of political groups making it hard for a party to win support to govern effectively Coalition Government (alliance of several parties) would come about after no single party would win an election Continuous changes in government Few strong leaders and little long term goal setting
Weimar Republic
Germany Democratic Govt. Weaknesses 1.Lack democratic traditions 2.Many political parties 3.German people blamed the Weimar govt. – Defeat in WWI – Humiliation from the Versailles Treaty
Inflation To pay for the expenses of WWI, Germany printed more money The value of the money would lose its value Inflation begins to set in Loaf of bread in 1918 cost 1 Mark Loaf of bread in 1922 cost 160 Marks (200 billion by 1923)
Need for Economic Stability Charles Dawes (American Banker) came up with a plan to get Germany some stability American Banks would loan Germany $200 million to stabilize the German currency Dawes plan did help slow inflation & Germany’s economy began to recover By 1929 Germany was producing as much as they did prior to WWI
Keeping the Peace Germany’s Gustav Stresemann & France’s Aristide Briand work on improving relations between the 2 countries They agreed to never fight a war between each other again Germany would respect the existing borders or France & Belgium 1928 Kellogg-Briand peace pact Pledge to “renounce war as an instrument of national policy”
Questions 1.What was one positive political effect of World War I? 2.Why were democratic governments often unstable? 3.How did Germany’s postwar economic problems begin during the war? 4.What was a major weakness of the Kellogg-Braind Treaty?