Lead-Acid Battery
What is a Lead-Acid Battery? an electrical storage device lead Pb, PbO 2 ; Acid H 2 SO 4 rechargeable : reversible chemical reaction automobile battery ( car battery ) Reference:
P b O 2(s) + HSO 4 − (aq) + 3H + (aq) + 2e − → PbSO 4 (s) + 2H 2 O (l) Pb (s) + HSO 4 − (aq) → PbSO 4(s) + H + (aq) + 2e − H 2 SO 4 → H + + HSO 4 − Anode P b (s) P b O 2 (s) Discharge Cathode H 2 SO 4 (aq) OX#= 0 OX# = +2
energy + 2PbSO 4 + 2H 2 O → Pb + PbO 2 + 2H 2 SO 4 Pb + PbO 2 + 2H 2 SO 4 → 2PbSO 4 + 2H 2 O When the chemical is used up, the battery need to be recharged... decreaseincrease reversed but need energy! In our life, cellphone, lap--top, or everything we need to recharge it could be an example of this battery. When we recharge it, there would always be an electoral devise to connect with energy. It’s because the recharging reaction is non-spontaneous and need energy to help it form back to the original chemicals.
surface area when it has broken in pieces, it can’t be replaced back completely. the PbSO 4 can not strongly adhere to the Pb OR PbO 2
automobile starting lighting and ignition battery security lights Applications
Don’ts 1. Do not equalize and/or overcharge your batteries. 2. Do not store your batteries in hot places or under direct sun exposure. 3. Do not use solid or liquid additives in your batteries. 4. Do not neglect to water and only use distilled water. Any other water contains minerals that are bad for your battery. 5. Do not neglect to charge regularly. 6. Do not expose directly your batteries to very low temperatures to prevent any risk of cracking. Do’s 1. Regularly charge your batteries. Let them to get fully charged before disconnecting the charger 2. Use a good electronic desolator that will help to eliminate hard sulfates from the plates. 3. Store cars and batteries in cool places or at least away from direct sun exposure. 4. Water batteries regularly if they are the unsealed type using distilled water. 5. Protect batteries from being directly exposed to extreme cold weather. reference: tips
recycling successful recycling program 97% was recycled in US prevent lead emission