Museum Entrance Black Panthers Books And Post Prison Writings Free Heuy Movement Criminal Record Welcome to the Museum of Eldridge Cleaver Curator’s Offices Chrislam Back Wall Artifact
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Room 1 Return to Entry Black Panther Room
Room 2 Return to Entry Artifact 8 Artifact 6Books Artifact 7
Room 3 Return to Entry Artifact 9 Artifact 12 Artifact 10 Criminal Record Artifact 11
Room 4 Return to Entry Artifact 16 Artifact 14 Free Huey Movement Artifact 15
Room 5 Return to EntryChristlam Artifact 21
Linked citation goes here Kids need a breakfast every so they can learn efficiently. The heart healthy breakfast included nutrients that kids need to learn and stay effective throughout their day. Return to Exhibit Feed Our Children Movement
Linked citation goes here Based off of Malcolm X. They educated the pubic about segregation. They fought violence with violence just like Malcolm X did. Eldridge Cleaver joined just 5 years before Malcolm was assassinated Return to Exhibit Black Panther Party
Linked citation goes here Even though the Black Panthers don’t have to fight that hard for segregation they educate the public about their hard times and how it was to live back them. Return to Exhibit Education
Good Cleavers life story through his writings childhood criminal record and his emergence in the Black Panther Party. Return to Exhibit Target Zero
An account of a man who shocked America by changing the way the country looked at civil rights. Written in 1968 Return to Exhibit Soul On Ice
Linked citation goes here Tells about his escape to Algeria and how he traveled to Cuba. Return to Exhibit Soul On Fire
Linked citation goes here Cleavers lifetime as an Activist and a writer. Talks about his other books like Soul On Ice and Soul On Fire. Return to Exhibit Black Papers
Linked citation goes here Eldridge Cleaver stole many things as a teen. His first arrest was for stealing a bicycle They found the bicycle in his possession. He was riding the bike down the street. Return to Exhibit Eldridge’s First crime
Linked citation goes here It was a short life being a drug dealer because he got caught by the police. He mainly sold marijuana. The only reason he stopped was because he Return to Exhibit Life As A Drug Dealer
Linked citation goes here Eldridge Cleaver was convicted of assault with intent to murder. He was in prison for 3 years because of that cause Return to Exhibit Attempted Murder
Linked citation goes here He was also charged with an unknown count of rapes. In the Black Panthers he was in a gun fight with the police he was charged with community service. Return to Exhibit Other Charges
Linked citation goes here Huey P Newton was the co founder of the Black Panther Party. He was very important in cilvil rights history. Return to ExhibitRoom 4 Who was Huey
Linked citation goes here Newton was pulled over but when the cop realized it was Newton he called back up but when backup came the shootout had started. Newton was wounded and the other cop died. Return to Exhibit What Is The Act For
Linked citation goes here Newton was sentenced to years in prison so Cleaver Minister Of Information at that time made protests that Huey got shot then went for the gun. Return to Exhibit How Is Cleaver Involved
Linked citation goes here The movement was successful and Heuy got away with community service.Cleaver earned a Lot of respect for getteng out Heuy. Return to ExhibitRoom 4 Did It Work
Linked citation goes here In jail Cleaver realized that God and Allah are very similar so he tried to combine them. It was not very popular back then but it has grown worldwide. Return to Exhibit How It Was Created
Linked citation goes here Cleaver got the idea because Malcolm X wanted Christians and Muslims to join forces to fight segregation. He also supported the idea. Return to Exhibit Malcolm X’s Impact
Linked citation goes here When Cleaver was in jail he was undecided about his religion. Thats when he came up with the isea of Christlam Return to Exhibit When Eldridge made It
Linked citation goes here This is the Christlam symbol it is a mix of Muslim and Crist. Return to Exhibit The Chrislam Symbol
Linked citation goes here Cleaver fled the country because of charges he faced. He and his wife fled to Algeria and went to a safehaven. rhey got kicked out because of his addiction. Return to Entrance Fleeing The Country
Linked citation goes here This is Eldrige Cleavers wife she helped him be an anctivist and helped him run for president of the panthers. Return to Exhibit Kathaleen Cleaver