Gregor Mendel carried out the first important studies of HEREDITY used pea plants which reproduce sexually by way of sex cells called gametes
Heredity the passing on of characteristics from parents to offspring.
Genetics The branch of biology that studies heredity.
Gametes Male and female sex cells The male sex cell is called a sperm The female sex cell is called an egg
Monohybrid Crosses Mendel took tall plants and “crossed” them with short plants the offspring were called HYBRIDS (parents had opposite traits—tall & short) he noticed that all of the first generation offspring were TALL he let those plants pollinate and produce over 1000 plants which he studied
Second Generation Of those 1000 plants that were produced by the hybrid tall plants… ¾ of them were TALL ¼ of them were short (how did that happen?) Mendel did more tests on more traits and got the same results
Mendel’s Conclusions Each organism has 2 factors that control each of its traits. (we now know that these are genes located on chromosomes) We call these different gene forms alleles A plant could have 2 tall alleles or 2 short alleles or 1 of each The 2 alleles are located on different chromosomes (one from ma--one from pa)
The Rule of Dominance Dominant trait –only need one allele of this type to exhibit the trait –represented by upper-case letter (written 1 st ) Recessive trait –need 2 of these alleles to exhibit the trait –represented by lower-case letter
LAW OF SEGREGATION Mendel’s 1 st Law: –Each individual has 2 alleles which make 2 different gametes –remember meiosis?!? –During fertilization, male and female gametes randomly pair and 4 combinations of alleles are possible.
INDEPENDENT ASSORTMENT Mendel’s 2 nd Law: –genes are inherited independently of each other
Punnett Squares predict possible genotypes of one’s offspring (probability) monohybrid cross: tests one trait dihybrid cross: tests two traits
Hetero or homo? heterozygous = 2 different alleles (Bb) homozygous = 2 like alleles (BB or bb) *these letters represent an organism’s genotype (the combination of genes in an organism)
JUST DO IT! R = roundr = wrinkled What type of offspring can be produced by a homozygous round (____) and a homozygous wrinkled (____)pea plant?
RR x rr this is called a monohybrid cross because we are looking at just one trait at a time RR r
RR x rr 100% of the offspring will be heterozygous (Rr) What will they look like (phenotype)? RR r Rr
What is the probability of having a wrinkled pea plant if both parents are heterozygous? Rr R r
Wrinkled is a recessive trait, so offspring must be homozygous to be wrinkled (rr) Only 1 out of 4 offspring will be wrinkled = 25% probability Rr R r RR Rr rr
A homozygous brown eyed male and a heterozygous female mate. What is the probability their child will have blue eyes? Let: B = brown b = blue BB B b
All babies have brown eyes! 0 % probability of a blue-eyed baby Let: B = brown b = blue BB B b BB Bb BB Bb
Dihybrid Cross RRYY x RrYy two traits at a time! R = round r = wrinkled Y = yellow y = green
What is the probability of producing a yellow and round plant?
RY RY RY RY RY Ry rY ry RR YY RR Yy Rr YY Rr Yy Yellow = YY or Yy Round = RR or Ry 16/16 or 100%
Do Punnett Practice WS
Pedigrees track males and females with and without certain traits using symbols also can track sex-linked traits female without trait female with trait male without trait male with trait
Sex-linked traits can be dominant (just one needed) or recessive traits carried on the X chromosome females are XX while males are _____ Y chromosomes do not have genes so do not carry traits
Pedigrees are like dihybrid crosses a female with blue eyes mates with a heterozygous male, what is the probability they will have a brown eyed girl?