‘Blinking in the Sun’ by Sir Ralph Hedley
Poetry Writing Today we will be: Today we will be: Exploring some different types of poem (cinquain, haiku) and techniques (simile, metaphor, personification) Exploring some different types of poem (cinquain, haiku) and techniques (simile, metaphor, personification) Applying these to your own writing by writing a new poem or continuing one begun this week. Applying these to your own writing by writing a new poem or continuing one begun this week. Sharing our literary efforts! Sharing our literary efforts!
The Cat: Cinquain Cunning curiosity, Sleepily deceptive, I wait… Wait for the moment I leap, Heart pounding as I pounce on the unaware. Beware!
Cat: Haiku Soft purr gently sounds No care in the world has she Dreaming of beauty
Cat: Imagery As quiet as the grave He seems to sleep, Softly smiling his innocence. But the feint rumble of his engine Betrays his deathly desires. Come not near, small creature, Or you will find your tail will soon be over!
Right, let’s write! Choose: Cinquain: Cinquain: Line one: 1 or 2 words Line one: 1 or 2 words Line two: 4 words Line two: 4 words Line three: 6 words Line three: 6 words Line four: 8 words Line four: 8 words Line five: 1 or 2 words Line five: 1 or 2 words Haiku: Haiku: Line one: 5 syllables Line two: 7 syllables Line three: 5 syllables Imagery; try using some: Imagery; try using some: Similes Similes Metaphors Metaphors Personification Personification Anthropomorphic: Anthropomorphic: Continue your work in the style of T.S. Eliot, or Continue your work in the style of T.S. Eliot, or Try applying his style to a different animal Try applying his style to a different animal
So, what can you remember? Cinquain Cinquain Haiku Haiku Imagery Imagery Simile Simile Metaphor Metaphor Personification Personification Anthropomorphism Anthropomorphism