Introduction: Since all of us have sinned and sin is the result of temptation, then all of us are tempted. Even Jesus, though He never sinned, was also tempted in all points as we are. Thus, the Bible definitely teaches that we can face our temptations and overcome them if we truly love God.
We can bear our temptations ASV: “There hath no temptation taken you but such as man can bear” This simply means that no temptation is so unique, so powerful, that we can’t overcome it: Jas. 1:12 The example of Jesus shows us this: Heb. 2:17-18, 4:15
We can bear our temptations However, dealing with temptation isn’t about us alone but about looking to God for strength: Eph. 6: When we approach temptation with the attitude, “I’m only human,” or “I can’t help myself,” then we’re defeated before we even get started.
God is faithful. Paul says that “God is faithful, who will not allow you to be tempted beyond what you are able”—in other words, God has made us a promise regarding temptation, and God is always faithful to keep His promises. This God to whom we look for strength is the God of our salvation who doesn’t want anyone to perish in sin: 2 Pet. 3:9
God is faithful. But God’s faithfulness must be met by trust and obedience on our part: Tit. 1:2, 2:11-12 Only by doing this can we benefit from God’s faithfulness: Heb. 6: The temptations themselves may not be removed, but Paul says that God “with the temptation will also make the way of escape”—and it can be found by those who look for it.
God will provide the way of escape The example of Jesus gives us courage in knowing that we can resist the devil as He did: Matt. 4:1- 11 It also shows us the value of having a knowledge of God’s word to help us in temptation: Ps. 119:11
God will provide the way of escape And Jesus teaches us that prayer can be a defense against the attacks of Satan: Matt. 6:9, 13. If we seek spiritual maturity, wisdom, and discernment as we walk life’s path, God has promised that He will provide a way of escape to help keep us from falling into and yielding to temptation.
Our faith will enable us to bear it. Paul says that because God is faithful and will not suffer or allow us to be tempted above or beyond what we are able but will with the temptation make a way of escape, our faith in God’s promises and provisions will make it possible “that you may be able to bear it” Thus, we must conclude that God has already provided everything that we need to “bear it”: Rom. 8:31-32 Again, of course, we have to take advantage of these provisions: Rom. 13:11-14
Our faith will enable us to bear it. But when we combine His faithfulness with our faithfulness, the result is victory: 1 Jn. 5:3-4. True faith, that is characterized by love and devotion to God and necessitates trusting in Him, His faithfulness, and the instruction of His word, will make it possible for us to overcome the temptations of this world.
Conclusion: Because of what Paul says in this verse, no one can truthfully say, “I have to sin—I can’t help it.” But the fact is that we all do sin and thus need forgiveness, yet God has made provision for that too. The Blood of Jesus is that provision.