Oh, Yes! Double Down HardToo Hot! No way, Man!
The natural shapes or features of the earth
The names of the 2 continents in the Western Hemisphere
North America and South America
Name of the continent that is always covered with ice and snow
The major continents of the Eastern Hemisphere
Asia, Africa, Australia, Europe
The number of feet high a place on earth must be to be called a mountain
2000 feet
Area located between highlands or mountains which is also known as lowland
Deep valley with high steep sides
Flat area on earth, often known for fertile soil and place to grow crops
Flat area of land that rises above the land around it
This is a piece of land that is completely surrounded by water
These are low, sandy coral islands that may also be called cays
Ridges of land that rise out of the ocean or are near the surface that are made up of sand and coral.
These are the largest bodies of water on earth
The names of the 4 major oceans of the earth
Atlantic, Pacific, Indian, Arctic
Large bodies of water that are not oceans, but may be made up of fresh or salt water such as the Black, Dead, or Mediterranean
Area of water that is completely surrounded by land
Large flowing body of water, usually flowing in a southerly direction, but sometimes slows north
Area where the land meets the ocean
Land area that receives little or no rain
Most familiar kind of map
Flat Map
Most common flat map
Mercator Projection
The main reason flat maps are distorted and may not be accurate
Earth is round and you cannot flatten it.
One main fact about a straight line on a map
It may not be the shortest route because the earth is round
Two basic kinds of “Route Maps”
Airline Flight Map Road Map (driving trip map)
The most accurate map
A globe