1 Strange Nonchaotic Attractors in Quasiperiodically Forced Period-Doubling Systems Quasiperiodically Forced Systems : Irrational No. Typical Appearance of Strange Nonchaotic Attractors (SNAs) Property of SNAs: 1. No Sensitivity to Initial Condition ( <0) 2. Fractal Phase Space Structure Smooth TorusSNA (Intermediate State) Chaotic Attractor Sang-Yoon Kim (KWNU, UMD)
2 Typical Dynamical Transitions in Quasiperiodically Forced Period-Doubling Systems Quasiperiodically Forced Logistic Map Phase Diagram Main Interesting Feature “ Tongue,” where Rich Dynamical Transitions Occur: Route a Intermittency Route b or c Interior Crisis of SNA or CA Route d or e Boundary Crisis of Torus or SNA (All These Dynamical Transitions May Occur through Collision with a New Type of “Ring-Shaped Unstable Set.”) Smooth Torus (Light Gray): T and 2T CA (Black), SNA (Gray and Dark Gray)
3 Phase Sensitivity Exponent to Characterize Strangeness of an Attractor Phase Sensitivity with Respect to the Phase of Quasiperiodic Forcing: Measured by Calculating a Derivative x/ along a Trajectory and Finding its Maximum Value: Phase Sensitivity Function: Smooth Torus (a=3.38, = ) N : Bounded No Phase Sensitivity SNA (a=3.38, = ) N ~ N : Unbounded [ ( 19.5): PSE] Phase Sensitivity Strange Geometry (Taking the minimum value of N (x 0, 0 ) with respect to an ensemble of randomly chosen initial conditions) ~ _
4 Typical Phase Diagrams in Quasiperiodically Forced Period-Doubling Systems Quasiperiodically Forced Hénon Map Quasiperiodically Forced Ring Map =0 and b=0.01 b=0.05 (a: Intermittency, b & c: Interior Crisis, d & e: Boundary Crisis) Tongues (near the Terminal Points of the Torus Doubling Bifurcation Lines)
5 Intermittent Route to SNAs Absorbing Area (AA) in the Quasiperiodically Forced Logistic Map M M: Noninvertible [ detDM=0 along the Critical Curve L 0 ={x=0.5}] Images of the Critical Curve x=0.5 [i.e., L k =M k (L 0 ): Critical Curve of Rank k]: Used to Define a Bounded Trapping Region inside the Basin of Attraction. The AA determines the Global Structure of a Newly-Born Intermittent SNA. Smooth Torus inside an AA for a=3.38 and = ( x ) Intermittent SNA filling the AA for a=3.38 and = ( x , 19.5) * = ~ _ ~ _ ~ _
6 Global Structure of an Intermittent SNA The Global Structure of the SNA may be Determined by the Critical Curves L k.
7 Rational Approximations Rational Approximation (RA) Investigation of the Intermittent Transition in a Sequence of Periodically Forced Systems with Rational Driving Frequencies k, Corresponding to the RA to the Quasiperiodic Forcing ( ) : Properties of the Quasiperiodically Forced Systems Obtained by Taking the Quasiperiodic Limit k . Unstable Orbits The Intermittent Transition is Expected to Occur through Collision with an Unstable Orbit: Smooth Unstable Torus x=0 (developed from the unstable fixed point for the unforced case): Outside the AA No Interaction with the Smooth Attracting Torus Ring-Shaped Unstable Set (without correspondence for the unforced case) Using the RA, a New Type of Ring-Shaped Unstable Set that Interacts with the Smooth Torus is found inside the AA.
8 Metamorphoses of the Ring-Shaped Unstable Set The kth RA to a Smooth Torus e.g. k=6 RA: Composed of Stable Orbits with Period F 6 (=8) inside the AA. a=3.246, =0.446, k=6 Birth of a Ring-Shaped Unstable Set (RUS) via a Phase-Dependent Saddle-Node Bifurcation RUS of Level k=6: Composed of 8 Small Rings Each Ring: Composed of Stable (Black) and Unstable (Gray) Orbits with Period F 6 (=8) (Unstable Part: Toward the Smooth Torus They may Interact.) a=3.26, =0.46, k=6 Evolution of the Rings Appearance of Chaotic Attractor (CA) via Period-Doubling Bifurcations (PDBs) and Its Disappearance via a Boundary Crisis (Upper Gray Line: Period-F 6 (=8) Orbits Destabilized via PDBs)
9 a=3.326, =0.526, k=6 a=3.326, =0.526, k=8 Change in the Shape and Size in the Rings Quasiperiodic Limit No. of Rings (=336): Significantly Increased Unstable Part (Gray): Dominant Attracting Part (Black): Negligibly Small Each Ring: Composed of the Large Unstable Part (Gray) and a Small Attracting Part (Black) Expectation: In the Quasiperiodic Limit, the RUS forms a Complicated Unstable Set Composed of Only Unstable Orbits
10 Mechanism for the Intermittency Smooth Torus (Black) and RUS (Gray) in the RA of Level k=8 (F 8 =21) a=3.38, =0.5864, k=8 a=3.38, =0.586, k=8 Phase-Dependent Saddle-Node Bifurcation for 8 = Appearance of Gaps, Filled by Intermittent Chaotic Attractors RA to the Whole Attractor: Composed of Periodic and Chaotic (in 21 Gaps) Components Average Lyapunov Exponent -0.09) ~ _
11 Algebraic Convergence of the Phase-Dependent SNB Values k (up to k=15) to its Limit Value * (= ) of Level k. Quasiperiodic Limit A Dense Set of Gaps (Filled with Intermittent CAs) Using This RA, One Can Explain the Intermittent Route to SNA. a=3.38, =
12 Transition from SNA to CA Average Lyapunov Exponents (in the x-direction) in the RAs = p + c ; p(c) : “Weighted” Lyapunov Exponents of the Periodic (Chaotic) Component p(c) = p(c) M p(c) ; M p(c) : Lebesgue Measure in and p(c) : Average Lyapunov Exponent of the Periodic (Chaotic) Component Chaotic Transition ( c =0.5848) Solid Line: Quasiperiodic Limit Solid Circles: RA of Level k=15
13 Other Dynamical Transitions in the Tongues Interior Crisis Attractor-Widening Interior Crisis Occurs through Collision with the RUS: Route b: SNA (Born via Gradual Fractalization) Intermittent SNA Route c: CA Intermittent CA a= =0.55 x 1.4 ~ _ a= =0.55 x 8.0 ~ _ a=3.44 =0.48 x ~ _ a=3.43 =0.48 x ~ _ ~ _ ~ _
14 Boundary Crisis Boundary Crisis of Type I (Heavy Solid Line) through Collision with the RUS Route d: Smooth Torus Divergence Route e: SNA (Born via Gradual Fractalization) Divergence Boundary Crisis of Type II (Heavy Dashed Line) through Collision with the Smooth Unstable Torus Route ( ): CA (SNA) Divergence Double Crises near the Vertex Points T: Torus, S: SNA, C: CA, D: Divergence, Dashed Line: Birth of SNA via Gradual Fractalization, Solid Line: Transition to Chaos, Dash-Dotted Line: Basin Boundary Metamorphosis Line, Dotted Line: Interior Crisis Line
15 Appearance of Higher-Order Tongues Appearance of Similar Higher-Order Tongues Band-Merging Transitions near the Higher-Order Tongues Hard Band-Merging Transition (Heavy Solid Line) via Collision with the RUS Soft Band-Merging Transition (Heavy Dashed Line) via Collision with an Unstable Parent Torus Double Crises near the Vertex Points 2T: Doubled Torus, S & 2S: SNA, C & 2C: CA, Dashed Line: Birth of SNA via Gradual Fractalization, Solid Line: Transition to Chaos, Dash-Dotted Line: Basin Boundary Metamorphosis Line, Dotted Line: Interior Crisis Line Torus (Light Gray) SNA (Gray) CA (Black) (a * = )
16 Summary Using the RA, the Quasiperiodically Forced Logistic Map has been Investigated: Appearance of a New Type of Ring-Shaped Unstable Sets via Phase-Dependent Saddle-Node Bifurcations near the Tongues Occurrence of Rich Dynamical Transitions such as the Intermittency, Interior and Boundary Crises, and Band-Merging Transitions through Interaction with the RUS Such Dynamical Transitions: “Universal,” in the Sense that They Occur Typically in a Large Class of Quasiperiodically Forced Period-Doubling Systems Phase Diagram of the Quasiperiodically Forced Toda Oscillator =0.8 and 1 =2 S.-Y. Kim, W. Lim, and E. Ott, “Mechanism for the Intermittent Route to Strange Nonchaotic Attractors,” nlin.CD/ (2002).
17 Basin Boundary Metamorphoses Main Tongue When the Critical Curve L 1 of Rank 1 Passes the Upper Basin Boundary (x=1), “Holes,” Leading to Divergent Trajectories, Appears inside the Basin. 2nd-Order Tongue In the Twice Iterated Map, when the Critical Curve L 1 of Rank 1 Passes the Upper Basin Boundary, “Holes,” Leading to an Another Attractor, Appears inside the Basin. a=3.4 =0.58 a=3.43 =0.58 a=3.44 =0.14 a=3.45 =0.14
18 Dynamical Transitions in Quasiperiodically Forced Systems Rich dynamical transitions in the quasiperiodically forced systems have been reported: 1. Transitions from a Smooth Torus to a Strange Nonchaotic Attractor (SNA) 1.1 Gradual Fractalization [T. Nishikawa and K. Kaneko, Phys. Rev. E 54, 6114 (1996)] 1.2 Torus Collision [J.F. Heagy and S.M. Hammel, Physica D 70, 140 (1994)] 1.3 Intermittent Transition [A. Prasad, V. Mehra, and R. Ramaswamy, Phys. Rev. Lett. 79, 4127 (1997), A. Witt, U. Feudel, and A. Pikovsky, Physica D 109, 180 (1997)] 1.4 Blowout Transition [C. Grebogi, E. Ott, S. Pelikan, and J. A. Yorke, Physica D 13, 261 (1984), T. Yalcinkaya and Y.-C. Lai, Phys. Rev. Lett. 77, 5039 (1996)] 2. Crises for the SNA and Chaotic Attractor (CA) 2.1 Band-Merging Crisis [O. Sosnovtseva, U. Feudel, J. Kurths, and A. Pikovsky, Phys. Lett. A 218, 255 (1996)] 2.2 Interior Crisis [A. Witt, U. Feudel, and A. Pikovsky, Physica D 109, 180 (1997)] 2.3 Boundary Crisis [H.M. Osinga and U. Feudel, Physica D 141, 54 (2000)] However, the Mechanisms for such Transitions are Much Less Understood than those in the Unforced or Periodically Forced systems. Illumination of the Mechanisms for the Dynamical Transitions: Necessary
19 Band-Merging Transition Band-Merging Transition of Type I through Collision with the RUS 2T 1 SNA 2CA 1CA a=3.431 =0.16 a=3.43 =0.165 x 9.7 ~ _ a=3.32 =0.202 x ~ _ a=3.32 =0.198 x ~ _ ~ _ Band-Merging Transition of Type II through Collision with the Unstable Parent Torus