Is God real? An argument based on Government and direction There are many objects in the world (natural objects) which have no way of knowing what their proper purpose is. Yet these same objects are frequently, and in many cases always, doing their proper job. It is clear that this cannot be just by chance. It must be by the intention of some intelligent being. This intelligent being is God.
Proof 5 There are plenty of people in the world who have no idea of what they wan’t to do. Despite this these same people are at most of the time always doing their job the right way. Surely all this going on at once cannot be coincidence, there must be someone controlling them. This person is God.
Evaluation I think that Thomas Aquinas makes a very good point because I myself believe that the world is to perfect to be just a coincidence and there must be something behind it all But I am not sure whether it is God or not.