1) What's Really Real 2) What's God 3) What’s ultimate reality *) How can Christians be deceived by this
Theistic Realism 1) Physical world and Spiritual world 2) A personal, all-powerful God 3) Heaven and Hell *) This is what Scripture teaches
Deism 1)Physical world and maybe a Spiritual world 2) All-powerful God 3) Heaven *) God doesn't really care about me
Naturalism 1) Physical World 2) Nature 3) Worm food *) Circumstances are more powerful than God
Eastern Pantheism (New Age mixes this with another worldview) 1) Spiritual World 2) God is in everything and everything is God 3) Nirvana (an eternal sea of oneness of souls) *) We're all saying the same thing
Postmodernism 1) No way of really knowing 2) I am (unless I want something else to be God) 3) Every person figures that out for themselves *) My opinion is no better than anyone else's. I'll keep my mouth shut.