Gina Alexander Patient Opinion Scotland ginaaalexander James Munro Patient
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A world where Service users and carers can give honest feedback safely and easily Staff learn from knowing how their care is experienced Services can make small, steady improvements based on feedback Everyone can see how services are listening to users and changing in response
Care Opinion in Scotland Involving key stakeholders Identifying public interest bodies Developing the platform Sourcing development income
Story NHS staff ResponseComment covers both responses Service User Comment CHPs Patient Organisations HIS/HEI Local Authorities, SG, MSPs Automatic notification Comment from patient Integrating conversations on Patient Opinion and Care Opinion Hospital improvement Care home staff Response Care home improvement Health services Social care Care Inspectorate
Care Home Ambulance Local NHS hospital Ambulance Community physio “The ambulance arrived quickly” Daughter “the hospital was great but the discharge procedure seemed a bit of a shambles” Daughter “We often find residents coming back to us late at night” Care home comment How stories improve integration across health and social care Health services Social care
Keogh Report, July 2013 “Patients, carers and members of the public… should be confident that their feedback is being listened to and see how this is impacting on their own care and the care of others.”
Our moderation principles Enable a clear, timely, public, constructive conversation about care Make giving feedback safe and easy for patients, service users and carers Encourage authentic feedback, based in personal experience Treat staff legally and fairly
Social care: new challenges Health careSocial care 100s of big providers1,000s of small providers Public ownershipPrivate ownership Tax fundedFee funded Large workforce per locationSmall workforce per location Mainly short term careMainly long term care
Involving providers in publication
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Incentives for transparency stories with restricted publication will be clearly displayed the provider will be asked to give a public reason for restricted publication public interest bodies will be able to post public comments about restricted stories Transparency statistics on each provider page public interest bodies can create transparency reports on their providers