ISM Midterm Presentation Health Administration: Hospital Expansion and Business Development Ali Ahmed
Introduction My name is Ali Ahmed ISM 7 th period Mrs. Click
What is ISM? Independent Study Mentorship Choose a field of study Choose mentor in desired field Create project with guidance from Mrs. Click and mentor
Mentor and Mentorship Site Michael Metts CPA, MHA Bay Area Regional Medical Center (BARMC)
Field of Study & Project Topic Field of Study Health Administration Project Topic Hospital Expansion and Business Development
Scenario BARMC plans to increase bed capacity from 104 to 203. Administration must efficiently allocate beds among existing services, such as medical/surgical business lines or allocate “new” beds to support the community demand and opportunity to expand service lines to include obstetrics and neonatology. The addition of services allows BARMC to become a fully integrated and comprehensive provider.
Purpose To gain exposure to the financial world To develop experience in business strategy To develop research skills and knowledge of financial and business models
Key Points Research Resources Field Trips (Economic Council and Physicians) Final Product
Research Demographics Market Share PSA and SSA Cost of Service Expansion Projected Revenue (3 yr) Special Considerations Clinical Consideration
Resources Databases (Invision) Public Records Polls Field Trips Models
Field Trips To find better data Economic Council Physicians
Economic Council To gain access to better research Market Demand Marketing Demographics
Physicians To determine the clinical viability of service expansion Physician Support Clinical Need Competitive Advantage Specific Interest
Preliminary Research Women demographic growth: by 2018 there will be 7% percent growth Competitor market share: The Big Three: Clear Lake Regional, St. Johns, and Memorial Hermann
Special Considerations Model of care: NDRP setting is most preferred setup by expecting mothers Equipment: Level of NICU (1-3), method of acquisition Space: sq footage allocation is pretty important in determining the capacity to support OB Security: Hospital has to be able to provide safe setting for families to reduce liability Comfort: just the general atmosphere can determine whether patients are willing to go to the hospital Regulation: capacity to comply with state regulation of OB service lines
Product Research paper that outlines the results of research conducted and appropriate business response Contains all Research Conducted Original Analysis Conclusion of Business Viability Business Plan Implementation
Conclusion What remains to be done Research Field Trips Bulk of the Research Paper
Thanks Mrs. Click Mr. Metts BARMC Administration and Staff
Bibliography Ivantage Health Analytics Interviews with BARMC administration