Risk Assessment (Supplemental info./ forms) Improve Kaizen Facilitation
We Get An RPN = 4 x 4 x 1 = 16 FMEA - Risk Priority Number Calculation 2 What can go wrong?SeverityOccurrenceDetectionRPNPlan Clerks arrive late44116 Wheeled loads incorrectly spotted Shuttle bus delays arrival 2112 Put together a plan for risk mitigation for the idea with highest RPN number first …
GuidelineSeverityRanking Significant damage, multiple deaths, and finesDeadly10 High likelihood of death or LTI, fines, and damageVery Hazardous9 LTI, Injury or near miss, fines and damageVery High8 Work stoppage, fines, and damageHigh7 Work stoppage, and damageModerate6 Work stoppageLow5 Rework and loss of cargoVery Low4 Rework with delaysMinor3 Rework without delaysVery Minor2 No impactNone1 Severity (S) Guidelines 3
Occurrence (O) Guidelines 4 GuidelineOccurrenceRanking Every opportunity Inevitable10 50% Out of Control 7 1% Very High Every Batch High Selective Batches Moderate 5 Hourly Low Daily Very Low Weekly Minor 3 Monthly Very Minor Annually None1
Detection (D) Guidelines 5 GuidelineDetectionRanking Undetectable 10 Multiple failure detection Random 7 Data Based Detection Remote End User Detection Very Low Audit Detection Low 5 Sample Detection Moderate Manual Test Detection Moderately high SPC Post Process Detection High 3 Automated In Process Detection Very High Preventative Detection Always1
Improvement Idea : RPN - Risk Priority Number Calculation 6 What can go wrong?S everity O ccurrence D etection RPN Plan
Improvement Idea : RPN - Risk Priority Number Calculation 7 What can go wrong?S everity O ccurrence D etection RPN Plan
Improvement Idea : RPN - Risk Priority Number Calculation 8 What can go wrong?S everity O ccurrence D etection RPN Plan
Improvement Idea : RPN - Risk Priority Number Calculation 9 What can go wrong?S everity O ccurrence D etection RPN Plan
Improvement Idea : RPN - Risk Priority Number Calculation 10 What can go wrong?S everity O ccurrence D etection RPN Plan
Improvement Idea : RPN - Risk Priority Number Calculation 11 What can go wrong?S everity O ccurrence D etection RPN Plan
Improvement Idea : RPN - Risk Priority Number Calculation 12 What can go wrong?S everity O ccurrence D etection RPN Plan
Improvement Idea : RPN - Risk Priority Number Calculation 13 What can go wrong?S everity O ccurrence D etection RPN Plan
Improvement Idea : RPN - Risk Priority Number Calculation 14 What can go wrong?S everity O ccurrence D etection RPN Plan