WELCOME to Ms. G-West’s science class!
A little bit about me This is my 14 th year teaching science (13 th year at LMS) Received my BA in Biology at CU-Boulder Teaching certification also from CU-Boulder I also have a M.Ed. & am NBCT Love it here!
7 th grade (curriculum map & course description-on website)website Topics covered during the year: Semester 1: Scientific Method, Characteristics of Living Things, Cell Theory, Chemical Cycles, Genetics, Natural Selection/Evolution Semester 2: Diversity of Life, Classification, Viruses & Bacteria, Protists, Fungi, Plants, Animals, Animal Behavior, Body Systems Quizzes every week: students have homework every night-studying for that weeks quiz and finishing any assignments not completed in class! Keys to success: I believe that middle school is about: learning how to interact socially around the content developing a deep understanding of the science concepts, and developing organizational and learning strategies for the content
8 th grade (curriculum map & course description-on website)website Topics covered during the year: Semester 1: safety, scientific method, properties of matter, rocks & minerals, earth processes, chemistry Semester 2: earth’s oceans, acids, bases, salts, hydrologic cycle, meteorology & climate, solar system, astronomy, physics This curriculum covers the 8 th grade advanced earth science concepts as well as the 9 th grade advanced physical science concepts. Completion of this class does not mean that every student should skip 9 th grade physical science. That is dependent on the students themselves as well as the particular high school they will be attending. Quizzes every other Friday: students have homework every night-studying for quizzes, finishing assignments and labs, and often reading! Keys to success: I believe that middle school is about: learning how to interact socially around the content developing a deep understanding of the science concepts, and developing organizational and learning strategies for the content
Class expectations Students should come prepared daily to class with: planner, writing implement, science notebook (do not lose!!) lined & graph paper Consequences: (1 “check”) for not being prepared (not having materials), not having an assignment, coming late, chewing gum, general class misconduct. 3 checks=lunch detention (w/me) Calling parent/guardian: -6 checks -or when summative assignment is more than 2 days late! Ways to contact me ( ): (located on the LMS website & my website) Please check IC grades often- redos/late work graded before the end of semester My website: updated 1x/week-(usually on Friday) Go to LMS website-next to my nameLMS website I will contact you occasionally via schoolmessenger (mass ) Extra help: during E7-get a pass & with an appointment
Grading Policies (grading scale) See handout (attached to website)website Redos: oonly allowed on Summative Assessments oonly one redo per assignment ostudents get one week to turn in a redo after they have received the original back graded ostudents can receive a 100% for the summative grade of the work but will lose all of the PP points and it will be labeled as such in the comments section
Parent Volunteers Please consider signing up to help chaperone field trips this year In science: 8 th grade has 2 field trips-one in October to NOAA and one in November to DMNS 7 th grade has one field trip in April to the zoo These require parent volunteers to have done a background check and a signed volunteer form