Alexandra Renewal Project Teaching Science and Technology in the E.C.D / Foundation Phase
Science, Mathematics, and Technology are currently the weakest areas of the school system. As a result there are not enough matriculants, who are competent in these important learning areas.
Male vs. Female Graduates in Science and Technology fields Computer Science/Information Technology (CS). Mathematical and Statistical Sciences (MS). Biological Sciences (BS). Physical and Chemical Sciences (PS) Engineering - Electrical and Electronics (EE).
ECD / FOUNDATION PHASE TERMINOLOGY E.C.D. Practitioners - teach learners of three to six years E.C.D/Foundation Phase educators - teach learners Grade R, 1, 2 or 3.
Harari Report – “Tomorrow 98” Objectives: Science at the foundation phase level Young children to explore the world around them Teaching models investigation and thinking skills Implementation: Hastening the development of learning programmes Developing educational tools and resources Expanding training and an on-going support system
Aims of the project To : Improve Science and Technology teaching in Alexandra Encourage learners to take Science and Technology Transfer valuable skills into the community Compliment and contribute to Provincial and National policies Improve the gender imbalances Create a model, which could be used throughout the country.
Preparation educators Four District facilitators Four Schools Educators Two District facilitators Seven schools
Educators in a Technology workshop Story wheel
Studies show: Teaching Science must be practical! Somerset Educational products are: Innovative Practical Fun
ARP Science Revelation Function 2004 GR R GR 2 GR 1 GR 3
Evaluation Pre-tests and Post-tests elements: The importance of teaching science and technology How confident is the educator to teach science and technology? How knowledgably does the educator think she is in science and technology? Science and Technology knowledge
EXAMPLES OF ANSWERS TAKEN FROM PRE TESTS AND POST TESTS EXACTLY AS THEY WERE WRITTEN. PRE TESTPOST TEST What is science? Magic (Natural occurrences which we usually wonder how they happen) What is science? Science is about the natural occurrences around the world which leads to scientist investigating about why and how these things happen. What is technology? Technology is how to use electrical appliances. What is technology? Technology is identifying investigating solutions Describe the technological process The thunder and lightning when its raining Describe the technological process Technology process: You first think then you identify the need, then you investigate, then you design, then you make that particular thing and then you evaluate it if it fails you redo it.
Basic Computers Skills Know the computer components % Know how to log in an out the computer83.33% identify the different types of software applications55.56% Know the windows Interface55.56% Define storage device and identify different storage devices27.78% Know how to save a document using the file menu and the shortcut keys38.89% Know how to open a document using the file menu and the shortcut keys33.33% Know how to print a document using the file menu and the shortcut keys50.00% Average basic computers skills55.56% Access to PCs My school has PCs that I can use83.33% School PCs have internet and that I can use33.33% School PCs have MS Office44.44% I have alternative access to a PC (Private, friend)16.67% The PC has Internet and 5.56% The PC has MS Office5.56% Computers The PC has MS Office
Feedback from educators “.. I am glad that I now have an address. I feel like I’m a new person who belongs to the new millennium” “…we need more time for practice as we don’t all have the Internet and computers at our places (homes)” “… I went home being a happy person knowing how to . It is a good course”
Obstacles: No Infrastructure No computers devices No Internet and facilities Keys successes: Schools have basic computer devices and hardware Gauteng On Line Educators are enthusiatics TO IT OR NOT TO IT