Welcome! Overview of Iowa’s Science Standards
Why New Iowa Science Standards Conceptual Shifts Three-dimensional Learning Structure of the Standards Using NGSS Resources to Support Implementation Iowa Science Standards Overview Agenda
We will start and end on time. We will stay on task and avoid side conversations. We will practice respectful use of technology. We will listen and respond respectfully to one another. Professional Considerations
Promote Metacognition - think, ink, and share Enhance students’ ability to record data, reflect, revisit Diagrams, plots, tables, and written text Provide evidence of learning and information about misunderstandings Science Notebooks
In your notebook: ✓ What do you love about teaching science in your classroom? ✓ What is your biggest struggle in teaching science? Quick Write
Describe the foundation for Iowa’s Science Standards Articulate the conceptual shifts in the Science Standards Identify Three Dimensional Learning in Science Lessons Begin Implementing Three Dimensional Learning into My Classroom Instruction Describe to a colleague how Iowa Science Standards are supported by the NGSS documents and resources Learning Targets I Can…
Building on the Past; Preparing for the Future 7/2011 – April / / s 1990s-2009 Phase II Phase I
History of Iowa Science Standards District-Developed Standards & Benchmarks (Based on NSES?) Iowa Core Science Essential Concepts and Skills (Based on 1996 NSES & Benchmarks) 2008 Iowa Core Science Standards 2015 ELA Standards for Science 2010 Link to full report from the Iowa Science Review Team to the State Boardfull report f
Why new Science Standards? Notebook Table Talk Video Table Talk
Advances in Understanding of Learning
Scientifically-literate Citizens
College and Career Ready Graduates 2013 ACT College and Career Readiness Interest Number N = 22,526 % meeting Science% meeting Math Expressed & Measured Interest4,15360%62% Expressed only4,48950%56% Measured only2,39949%51% No Interest11,48540%43%
Opportunities for authentic science learning
Advances in science and technology.science
Preparing our kids for a world we can not anticipate or even imagine
All Standards for All Students
Support college and career readiness Prepare scientifically literate citizens Narrower breadth, deeper depth Coherent K-12 progression of scientific concepts and practices Focus on disciplinary integration in grade- by-standards K through grade 8 Provide a guide for instruction and assessment that allows for local control of curriculum full report ffull report from the Iowa Science Review Team to the State Board
Conceptual Shifts in the Standards
In your notebook, reflect on the question: What do I see as the biggest potential impact of the conceptual shifts on my school or in my classroom?
Components of Three- Dimensional Learning
Three-Dimensional Learning
Science and Engineering Practices Science In Action As you watch the video, identify some “action words” that describe what scientists did as they identified the spider.
W What happened to the scientific method?
Science and Engineering Practices Asking questions and defining problems Developing and using models Planning and carrying out investigations Analyzing and interpreting data Using mathematics, information and computer technology, and computational thinking Constructing explanations and designing solutions Engaging in argument from evidence Obtaining, evaluating, and communicating information
Disciplinary Core Ideas
Life SciencePhysical Science LS1: From Molecules to Organisms: Structures & Processes LS2: Ecosystems: Interactions, Energy, & Dynamics LS3: Heredity: Inheritance & Variation of Traits LS4: Biological Evolution: Unity & Diversity of Life PS1: Matter & Its Interactions PS2: Motion & Stability: Forces & Interactions PS3: Energy PS4: Waves & Their Applications in Technologies for Information Transfer Earth & Space ScienceEngineering & Technology ESS1: Earth’s Place in the Universe ESS2: Earth’s Systems ESS3: Earth & Human Activity ETS1: Engineering Design Disciplinary Core Ideas
ESS 1: Earth’s Place in the Universe ESS 2: Earth Systems ESS 3: Earth and Human Activity Earth and Space Sciences
PS 1: Matter and Its Interactions PS 2: Motion and Stability PS 3: Energy PS 4: Waves and Their Applications Physical Sciences
Life Sciences LS 1: From Molecules to Organisms: Structures and Processes LS 2: Ecosystems: Interactions, Energy, and Dynamics LS 3: Heredity: Inheritance and Variation of Traits LS 4: Biological Evolution: Unity and Diversity
ETS 1: Engineering Design Engineering, Technology and Applications of Sciences
Cross-Cutting Concepts
Patterns Scale, Proportion, and Quantity Cause and Effect
Systems and System Models Energy and Matter Structure and Function Stability and Change
Listen to the Students… In your notebook, Identify Evidence of 3D Learning
Experience 3D Learning
Part 1: Push your slider across your table with a moderate amount of force. ● Record observations, diagram and label on the left side of the page ● Record questions, connections...on the right side of the page Classroom Curling-Explore
Classroom Curling - Changing Direction: Select 3 different bumper positions and test each ●Predict what you think will happen and record your prediction on the right side of your paper ●Launch the slider ●Diagram and label the path of the slider ●Ask questions and identify connections on the left side of your paper
Identify the instructional strategies/learning activities in the lesson Identify and highlight the three-dimensional learning in this lesson Science and Engineering Practices? Disciplinary Core Ideas? Crosscutting Concepts? Analyzing the Lesson
Use Your 3D lens to review your own lesson/unit
New Vision More of… Less of...
Finally, it is time to look at the actual Iowa Science Standards…
What students are expected to know and be able to do as a result of instruction. The standards are written as three- dimensional performance expectations that integrate science and engineering practices, disciplinary core ideas, and crosscutting concepts.
Iowa Standards call for students to become proficient in science and engineering: Integration of 3 dimensions – not separate treatment of “scientific ideas” and “inquiry” Need to pay attention to how we build understanding over time and across the disciplines Need to involve learners in using disciplinary practices to develop and apply scientific and engineering ideas 3 Dimensions combined to form several performance expectations
Iowa Science StandardsIowa Science Standards = NGSS Performance Expectations Review the standards for your grade level/content area As you review the standards, journal +, Δ, ? Share your reflections
All standards are meant for every student Students can meet the standards through a variety of pathways Elective courses are “above and beyond” and are deeper elaboration of the standards. All Standards, All Students
K-PS2-1 Plan and conduct an investigation to compare the effects of different strengths or different directions of pushes and pulls on the motion of an object. Find the 3 Dimensions in the Iowa Science Standard
K-PS2-1 Plan and conduct an investigation to compare the effects of different strengths or different directions of pushes and pulls on the motion of an object. Find the 3 Dimensions in the Iowa Science Standard
MS-PS3-4 Plan an investigation to determine the relationships among the energy transferred, the type of matter, the mass, and the change in the average kinetic energy of the particles as measured by the temperature of the sample.
Find the 3 Dimensions in the Iowa Science Standard
HS-PS2-1 Analyze data to support the claim that Newton’s second law of motion describes the mathematical relationship among the net force on a macroscopic object, its mass, and its acceleration. Find the 3 Dimensions in the Iowa Science Standard
HS-PS2-1 Analyze data to support the claim that Newton’s second law of motion describes the mathematical relationship among the net force on a macroscopic object, its mass, and its acceleration. Find the 3 Dimensions in the Iowa Science Standard
Iowa Science Standards are the NGSS performance expectations but the full NGSS pages and resources should be used to ensure there is deep understanding of the standard(s) and to make curricular and instructional decisions.
Architecture of the NGSS PE SEP DCI CCC Connections
Iowa Science Standards and their NGSS Foundations
Ensuring there is deep understanding of the standard(s) requires a deeper dive into the three dimensions….
Diving Deeper into Three-Dimensional Learning
Asking questions (for science) and defining problems (for engineering) Developing and using models Planning and carrying out investigations Analyzing and interpreting data Using mathematics and computational thinking Constructing explanations (for science) and designing solutions (for engineering) Engaging in argument from evidence Obtaining, evaluating, and communicating information Science and Engineering Practices
Complete the Card Sort Read the summary of your practice Consult Appendix F, circle any that are not in the correct place and draw an arrow to where it belongs Gallery Walk Notebook: Reflect on what new understandings you have about the practice and/or the implications for the classroom S cience and Engineering Practices Card Sort
Life SciencePhysical Science LS1: From Molecules to Organisms: Structures & Processes LS2: Ecosystems: Interactions, Energy, & Dynamics LS3: Heredity: Inheritance & Variation of Traits LS4: Biological Evolution: Unity & Diversity of Life PS1: Matter & Its Interactions PS2: Motion & Stability: Forces & Interactions PS3: Energy PS4: Waves & Their Applications in Technologies for Information Transfer Earth & Space ScienceEngineering & Technology ESS1: Earth’s Place in the Universe ESS2: Earth’s Systems ESS3: Earth & Human Activity ETS1: Engineering Design Disciplinary Core Ideas
Examining the DCI Learning Progressions Obtain the 1 st, 4 th, MS, and HS pages for PS4: Waves ●Use the NGSS pages to review the progression of learning ●Note and share with your group any “ah-has” and “uh-ohs” Journal: ○Summarize your new learning and group discussion ○Include any questions you may have ○Be prepared to share
Disciplinary Core Ideas Appendix E Increasing Sophistication of Student Thinking K
Crosscutting Concepts Patterns Cause and effect Scale, proportion, and quantity Systems and system models Energy and matter Structure and function Stability and change
Crosscutting Concepts Video: NGSS Crosscutting Concepts How do students benefit from understanding the crosscutting concepts? How did the task prompt participants to use the crosscutting concepts?
With the cross cutting concept your group has been assigned Read through the summary, progression and example performance expectations of assigned crosscutting concept Think of units you’ve taught where this crosscutting concept applies Be ready to summarize & share out your new understanding
Crosscutting Concepts Thinking back on our common experience of Classroom Curling What opportunities exist for making the connections to the cross cutting concepts more explicit?
#5 Change your vocabulary to make the Cross Cutting Concepts more visible: ●What observations can you make about the system? ●Use your model to… ●What effect did changing the variable have on…? ●What patterns are visible in this data? ●At what scale are we using this model?
Notebook: Support or refute the following claims with evidence from this professional development: The structure of the Iowa Core Science Standards is based on the NGSS structure. Our Classroom Curling Activity Activity includes three-dimensional learning as supported in the new Iowa Core Science standards.
Important Resources to Support Iowa Science Standards Resources include: Front matter/Introduction How to Read K-12 Storylines Topic arrangement of K-12 Next Generation Science Standards *Topic arrangement of K-12 Next Generation Science Standards NGSS Appendices Bozeman videos NSTA webinars over NGSS Book available from Downloadable in PDF form from NGSS website (various formats) Tablet app Interactive on NGSS website ( State website
Go to and click on “Next Generation Science Standards” found towards the top. To become familiar with the website: With a partner, complete the NGSS Website Scavenger huntNGSS Website Scavenger hunt Discuss answers NGSS Scavenger Hunt
Iowa DE Timeline Timeline and Expectation: Exploration, Awareness and Statewide Capacity Building Classroom Transitions, Shifts, and Practices Leveraging Materials, Resources, and Expertise Full K-12 Implementation* Because of the unique nature of the assigned middle school/junior high grade level standards, the implementation process must include at least one grade by ; a second grade level must be included by , etc.
Iowa DE Timeline Timeline and Expectation: Exploration, Awareness and Statewide Capacity Building Classroom Transitions, Shifts, and Practices Leveraging Materials, Resources, and Expertise Full K-12 Implementation* Because of the unique nature of the assigned middle school/junior high grade level standards, the implementation process must include at least one grade by ; a second grade level must be included by , etc.
Describe the foundation for Iowa’s Science Standards Articulate the conceptual shifts in the Science Standards Identify Three Dimensional Learning in Science Lessons Begin Implementing Three Dimensional Learning into My Classroom Instruction Describe to a colleague how Iowa Science Standards are supported by the NGSS documents and resources Learning Targets I Can…
We need your feedback…… Thanks! Overview of Iowa’s Science Standards