Reflective Essay Module 1
+ Guided Writing: Introductory Paragraph State your message. Explain why this message is important to you. Explain why this message would be interesting or important to others. State thesis: Conveying this message to others required me to make choices that accommodate the audiences’ needs and expectations, as well as the structure, style, and vocabulary of the particular genres.
Sample Body Paragraph The first genre piece in my portfolio is a FaceBook post shared with adult friends and family. This audience uses FaceBook to stay connected about important events in our lives and to share our opinions on current events. My audience expect posts to be friendly, brief, and relevant to our lives. In order to meet their needs and expectations, I wrote a post that was only three sentences long, with language that was simple and appropriate for both my younger and older adult relatives. My topic, the current presidential race, is a topic that they are interested in. Since FaceBook posts already include a by- line with my name, there was no need to add this. However, I did change my profile picture to an American flag to convey the idea that my opinion on this topic was pro-American, regardless of the political party I mentioned in the post.
+ Concluding Paragraph Reflect on your experience of creating these pieces and putting this portfolio together. Explain what you learned about yourself as a reader and/or about the demands of reading and writing different genres. Explain how this new knowledge can support your reading and writing in the future (THINK: college and career).
+ Review the Rubric
+ Timed Write You will have 50 minutes to write. You may write by hand or type. If you finish early, please quietly work on any missing work from Module 1.
+ Revision & Editing (+10 minutes) Read your essay to yourself. Use the rubric to revise your essay for ideas. Use the rubric and the editing features on the computer (if word processing) or use class resources to edit for language conventions. Submit your Reflective Essay (to Google Classroom or on paper). Submit your graphic organizer with your essay.