Brainstorms My SideWalks Level C Unit 2, Week 3, Day 2
Objectives Review Vocabulary Word Work: Phonics: Vowel Sound of Y: long i and long e Read a Passage: “Jigsaw Puzzles,” p.60 Main Idea
Word Work kite and these You already can read words like these. What are the words? What is the vowel sound in kite? In these? What spelling pattern helps you know the vowel stands for its long sound? Now you will learn another spelling for the long i and long e.
Word Work fly This is a one syllable word that ends with the letter y. When y ends a one syllable word with no other vowel, it usually stands for the long i sound. This is how I blend this word: /f/-/l/-/ ī/, fly
Word Work sunny This is a two syllable word that ends with the letter y. When y ends two consonants at the end of a two syllable word, it usually has the long e sound. This is how I blend this word: /s/-/u/-/n/-/ē/, sunny. The letter y stands for long e.
Word Work Let’s read some words together.
Word Work my
Word Work cry
Word Work by
Word Work happy
Word Work pretty
Word Work Now it is your turn to blend words individually.
Word Work tummy
Word Work fry
Word Work dizzy
Word Work hilly
Word Work nanny
Word Work pry
Vocabulary fail To not be able to do something; to not succeed
Vocabulary invention A new thing that someone makes or thinks of
Vocabulary puzzle A game that you work out for fun
Vocabulary solution The process of solving a problem or explaining a mystery.
Vocabulary solve To find the answer to something; clear up; explain
Vocabulary These words will be in the selection you are reading today.
Vocabulary A solution is the answer to a problem. When you find an answer for a problem you solve it. A puzzle is a kind of problem. A scrambled word is one kind of puzzle. You solve it by putting the letters in the correct order to make a word. The solution is the unscrambled word.
Comprehension Today you will read about jigsaw puzzles. It’s important that you understand the main ideas in this selection so that you know how jigsaw puzzles were invented and how jigsaw puzzles have changed. A main idea is the most important idea that the author wants to make in a paragraph, section, or selection. Some sentences give details, or small pieces of information, that tell about the main idea.
Comprehension As you read “Jigsaw Puzzles,” ask yourself: What is the selection all about? The answer is the main idea of the selection.
Read a Passage “Jigsaw Puzzles,” p.64
Read a Passage What did you learn about how jigsaw puzzles were invented? What was the selection mainly about?