Office automation Office automation has changed the equipments and work habits of today’s end users and work groups None will be interested to work in an office where all processing activities are done manually. Office automation system converts the organization almost a ‘Paperless organization’ .
OAS are telecommunication based information systems that collect, process, store, an distribute electronic messages, documents among individuals or work groups of any organization. It improves customer service, better information, productivity, quality of decision making, collaboration.
Major Office automation systems are below OAS Electronic communication systems Enterprise collaboration systems Electronic publishing systems Image processing systems Office management systems
Electronic communication systems Electronic communication systems are central nervous system in the organization. This include email, voice mail, bulletin boards, and facsimile This transmit and distribute text and other multimedia objects through communication media. It reduces the flow of paper messages and enhances the communication and coordination among the workers
Enterprise collaboration systems Enterprise collaboration systems are those which enable people to work groups & teams together in collaboration Through this they get the benefit of varied skills, thoughts, ideas from different people. The following softwares helps to accomplish the above objectives
Groupware software include Email Group scheduling Electronic meeting support Whiteboard Video conferencing Work flow automation
Electronic publishing systems Helps the organization to publish in-house business documents. E.g. are word processing & desktop publishing. Organizations can use DTP to design & print their own printed materials like newsletters, brochures, manuals, and even books. All phases of production are handled in-house , eliminating the need to send work outside the company for printing.
Office Management systems It includes electronic calendars, tickler files, electronic mail directories, schedulers & task management systems It provide computer-based support services to managers and other office professionals to help them organize their activities. E.g.------ If u enter date & time for a meeting to electronic calendar, the electronic tickler file will be automatically reminding you of important events…..
Tickler file This is an organizational tool which can be used to simplify the tracking of date-related items and to manage work flow...
Image processing system It allows the end users to electronically capture, store, process & retrieve images of documents that may include numeric data, test, handwriting, graphics and photos