What do you think a fossil fuel is? Fueled by Fossils Lv3: Identify the 3 different fossil fuels Lv4: Describe how fossil fuels are formed Lv5: Explain why fossil fuels are non-renewable. Entrance Activity Key Words Energy Fossil Fuel Coal Oil Natural gas Pressure Layer What do you think a fossil fuel is? Fossil Fuel
Learning Activity Below are pictures of each type of fossil fuel. Try to describe each one by only using 3 words. Natural gas has been done for you. Coal Natural Gas Crude Oil Transparent Gas Lightweight
Learning Activity Below are pictures of each type of fossil fuel. Try to describe each one by only using 3 words. Natural gas has been done for you. Coal Natural Gas Crude Oil Dark Transparent Brown/black Solid Gas Liquid Heavy Lightweight Gloopy
Student Reading Activity Formation of oil and natural gas Oil and natural formed from tiny animals and plants that lived in the sea millions of years ago. When these organisms died, they fell to the sea floor and got buried by mud and sand. The sand and mud prevented oxygen from reaching the dead organisms, meaning they couldn’t decompose. As the layers of mud and sand built up, they applied pressure and heat to the dead organisms. This turned them into oil and natural gas. Oil and gas
Learning Activity Complete the Oil and gas formation worksheet by describing what is happening in each picture. Try to use as many of the key terms as possible. Key Terms Millions of year Pressure Heat No Oxygen Layers Oil Natural gas
Student Reading Activity Formation of Coal Coal formed from large plants and trees that lived in swamp lands millions of years ago. When the plants died, they fell into the swamp mud. This creating a sealed layer around the plant. The mud prevented oxygen from reaching the dead plants, meaning they couldn’t decompose and breakdown. As layers of mud build up they applied pressure and heat onto the plant. Over millions of years this turned the plants into coal and the layers of mud below and above into rock.
Learning Activity Complete the Coal formation worksheet by describing what is happening in each picture. Try to use as many of the key terms as possible. Key Terms Millions of year Pressure Heat No Oxygen Layers Coal
What do you think the term above means? Key Word Alert Non-Renewable Energy source What do you think the term above means? A non-renewable energy source is an energy source that will one day run out. Fossil fuels are an example of this because there is only a certain amount of coal, oil, and gas on Earth. Once it’s gone, it’s gone for good. We cannot make more.
Data analysis What type of graph is shown above? What is missing from the graph above? Which fossil fuel is likely to run out first? Think of a suitable title for the graph. Which fossil fuel is likely to last the longest?
Data analysis
Plenary Quick Check Questions What three condition are required to produce fossil fuels? If an energy source is classed as “non-renewable” what does this mean? Quick Check Questions Describe the appearance and characteristic of oil? Fossil fuels are classed as what type of energy? Which fossil fuel has the longest life span?