Bell Ringer ✤ Name three inventions that you feel have revolutionized history. Why? TEKS: WH 1B, WH19B, WH23A, WH24A
Industrial Revolution: The Inventors TEKS: WH 1B, WH19B, WH23A, WH24A
✤ The Industrial Revolution that occurred in the 18th & 19th century was of great importance to the economic development of the whole world. TEKS: WH 1B, WH19B, WH23A, WH24A
Eli Whitney: The Cotton Gin
James Watt: Steam Engine
Samuel F. B. Morse: Telegraph & Morse Code
Alexander Graham Bell: telephone
Elias Howe/Isaac Singer: The Sewing Machine
Cyrus McCormick: Mechanical Reaper
Louis Pasteur: Pasteurization
Nikola Tesla: Tesla coil Teleforce: Particle beam weapon Tesla electric car Alternating current Induction motor Rotating magnetic field a.k.a. Egg of Columbus Wireless technology Death ray Neon Radio Remote Control
Cyrus Fields: Transatlantic Telegraph Cable
Date Orville & Wilbur Wright Aeroplane
Henry Ford: Model T
Create Your Own Infomercial - Industrial Revolution ✤ You are to work in cooperative groups to create a modern day invention to solve a modern day "problem". ✤ Once you have made your invention, you are going to create an infomercial to advertise the product.
Roles and Responsibilities ✤ Inventor (makes a blueprint) ✤ Engineer (puts the invention together) ✤ Advertiser (makes out the script for the infomercial) ✤ TV Announcer (hosts the infomercial) 1. Decide on a problem to solve and sketch a blueprint. 2. Allow students (inventor/engineer) time to work on making the invention using materials. Advertiser and host work on designing backdrop and script for infomercial. 3. After groups are finished with the inventions, each group will present infomercial to the rest of class.
Assessment ✤ 1. How did inventors during the Industrial Revolution advertised their products to factories? ✤ 2. What problems led to student creation and how do the same problems relate to the Industrial Revolution?