Funding in School Libraries Dr. Bilal IS 551 Fall 2005
Types of Funding Federal State Local Other
ALA Database on Funding issues/washfunding/funding.htm issues/washfunding/funding.htm Federal funding & related materials funding/libraryfunding.htm funding/libraryfunding.htm Impact of federal funding on all types of libraries
Funding for School Libraries US Department of Education Initiative Improving Literacy through School Libraries ues/washfunding/schlbryfunds/schlbry funds.htm#sum
Improving Literacy through SL Grant program for school libraries Part of the "Reading First" and "Early Reading First Initiative" in the "No Child Left Behind" legislation
ESEA: Elementary and Secondary Education Act ESEA: No Child Left Behind $12.5 millions for school library resources Research used to make the case for legislation to improve school libraries
Research… (cont’d.) Keith Lance Studies in Colorado, Alaska & Pennsylvania School Libraries, 2000 Jim Baughman Research on school library materials in Massachusetts school-libraries
No Child Left Behind How to participate? Application for the Program Campaigning for continued federal funding of the Program