Origin Netball was first called women’s basketball so it originated in America just like Basketball. It was then found that there was a large league of women’s basketball players, so it was decided that women’s basketball would be renamed as Netball. The rules were slowly changed to make the game more suitable for woman making it non-contact with lower goals. It is still predominantly played by woman, and is now one of most well known sports in the world.
Basic Rules When you as a player has the ball in your hands you must not step or replay the ball. (meaning do not bounce it back into your hands). When defending you must stay 3 feet (0.9 of a metre) away from you partner. Each player with their partner has specified areas of the court, when you have the ball in your hands you may only hold the ball for 3 long seconds. If a team has boys playing for them only two boys are allowed on court at one time and they must be on opposite ends of the court.
Positions Each player has an assigned position on the court, for instance the Centre can move anywhere on the court expect the circle, but wing attack can only go in the centre third and goal third. The only people allowed in the circle are the people with a G on their bib, which include Goal shoot, Goal Keep, Goal Attack and Goal Defence.
Expectations In Netball each player must have their nails cut down, no jewelry expect for medic alert bracelets which have to be taped down, if a player can’t take out their earrings they must also tape them down. All players are expected to have their hair clipped or tied back away from their face (no head bands).
Court diagram