STA1010/2010 STATISTICAL METHODS FOR SCIENCE Lecturer: Dr Malcolm Clark Room 349, Maths Building
STA1010/2010 STATISTICAL METHODS FOR SCIENCE Lecturer: Dr Malcolm Clark Room 349, Maths Building Lectures: Monday: 1pm H5 Thursday: 9am H1
Why Study Statistics? Statistics is interesting! Scientists rely on statistical analyses Market researchers depend on statistical analyses Statistics used in research on social issues Doing STA1010/2010 will enhance your job opportunities!
What is Statistics?
Statistics is a collection of procedures and principles for gathering data and analysing information in order to help people make decisions when faced with uncertainty.
Examples of the Use of statistics Measuring the speed of light How does physical fitness depend on smoking and usual exercise? Does aspirin reduce the occurrence of heart attacks? Estimating the outcome of elections from very small samples
Course Information Two lectures per week Compulsory 2-hour laboratory session each week These sessions involve discussion, problems, and use of Excel Details on web page (plus copies of all handouts, data sets, and lecture notes)
Assessment Laboratories 1 to 9:15% Project in Lab 10:5% Excel Test10% Final 3-hour examination70%
Alternative Laboratory Sessions Monday 11 – 1 (2 sessions) Monday 2 – 4 Tuesday 3 – 5 Wednesday 11 – 1 and 1 – 3 Thursday 1 – 3 Friday
Laboratory Arrangements Sheet handed out in Monday lecture of preceding week Preliminary work to be submitted at start of class Work during class to be submitted at end of class Marked work returned at next class (with discussion)
Books you should buy Essential: Lecture Notes ($8.95 from bookshop) Bring these to every lecture Strongly Recommended: Intro to the Practice of Statistics (Moore & McCabe, 4 th edn.) Excellent value!
Subject Web Page