Moving a part around an axis Rotation
Bending the head back beyond the upright position is called ______ Hyperextension
Bending parts so that the angle b etween them decreases Flexion
Bending the foot at the ankle towards the shin. Dorsiflexion
Moving a part posteriorly (backward) Retraction
Bending the foot downward, toward the sole. Plantar flexion
Lowering a part Depression
Turning the hand so that the palm is facing posteriorly, (or downward) Pronation
Moving a part toward the midline Adduction
Turning the hand so that the palm is facing anteriorly (upward) Supination
Turning the foot so that the sole faces medially Inversion
Moving a part so that its end follows a circular path Circumduction
Moving parts so that the angle between them increases and the parts move farther apart extension
Moving a part away from the midline Abduction
Moving a part forward Protraction
Turning the foot so that the sole faces laterally Eversion
Raising a part Elevation
In which type of joint are the articulating bones connected by a thin layer of connective tissue containing many collagenous fibers? Fibrous joint
In which type of joint are the articulating bones connected by either hyaline cartilage or fibrocartilage? Cartilaginous joint
In which type of joint are the articulating bones surrounded by a joint capsule filled with synovial fluid, and the ends of the bones are covered by hyaline cartilage? Synovial joints
The root of a tooth attached in a bony socket by a periodontal ligament is called a ___ Gomphosis
Flat bones of the skull are connected together by joints called __________ Sutures
The joint between two vertebral bodies and the joint between the two pubic bones are both examples of a _______ Symphysis
The epiphyseal plate (growth plate), is an example of a _____ Synchondrosis
The shoulder and hip are both examples of _________ joints Ball-and-socket
The joints between the metacarpals and the phalanges are ___________ joints Condylar
The joints between the carpal bones and between the tarsal bones are ________ joints. Plane (sliding)
The elbow joint and joints between the phalanges are _______ joints. Hinge
The joint between the atlas and the axis, and the joint between the proximal ends of the radius and ulna are both __________ joints. Pivot
The joint between the trapezium and metacarpal 1 of the thumb is a ________ joint. Saddle
Which ligaments of the knee help prevent medial and lateral movement of the tibia? Lateral collateral (Fibular collateral) & Medial collateral (Tibial collateral) ligaments.
Which ligaments of the knee help prevent anterior and posterior movement of the tibia? Anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) and Posterior cruciate ligament (PCL)
Which joint disorder is an autoimmune disease in which the immune system attacks the synovial membrane, causing swelling, pain, damage to the articular cartilage? Rheumatoid arthritis
This joint disease is a degenerative disorder that usually occurs with aging, and is the result of wear and tear on the joints. It is the most common form of arthritis. Osteoarthritis
This joint disease results from a bacterial infection (Borrelia burgdorferi) that is spread to humans by deer ticks. It begins with flu-like symptoms and a rash, followed weeks later by intermittent arthritis of several joints. Lyme arthritis
This joint disorder results from overstretching or tearing the ligaments, tendons, and sometimes cartilage associated with a joint, resulting in pain and swelling with restricted movement. Sprain
This joint disorder results from overuse of a joint or stress on a bursa. One example would be tennis elbow. Bursitis