Red Line of Salvation The Abramic Covenant
Genesis 12: You will be a great nation You will be a great nation You will be a blessing You will be a blessing I (God) will bless those who bless you (the Nation of Israel) I (God) will bless those who bless you (the Nation of Israel) You will bless all the people of the earth You will bless all the people of the earth
The Three Visitors Genesis 18: 9: 15 Where is Sarah? Where is Sarah? She will have a son. She will have a son. Sarah laughed (90 years old) Sarah laughed (90 years old)
Isaac is born! Genesis 21: Abraham is 100 years old! Abraham is 100 years old! Isaac means “laughter” Isaac means “laughter”
Genesis 22: Sacrifice your only son Sacrifice your only son Abraham obeyed Abraham obeyed We will be back (v.5) We will be back (v.5) Where is the lamb? Where is the lamb? God will provide God will provide All of the earth will be blessed through you All of the earth will be blessed through you