You made it to the end of week 1! Welcome back! Have I told you lately that this is my dream job?
Checking for understanding… What is one of Ms. Chapman’s pet peeves? How can you earn a passing grade in this class?
Objectives: You will identify your own cooking experiences You will meet 1 new person and interview them.
On your notecards, answer the following questions: 1.If you could visit anywhere in the world, where would it be and why would you want to go there? 2.What is your absolute favorite meal? 3.What is the best thing that has happened to you this week?
Stand up, hand up, pair up Partner with somebody you don’t know Figure out who is older. Older partner is A, younger person is B
Partner “A” share answers
Countdown Clock By Dr. Jeff Ertzberger
Partner “B” share answers
Countdown Clock By Dr. Jeff Ertzberger
assignment Answer at least 6 of the 8 questions It should be in paragraph format Put your picture on it Due Tuesday 9/10