CARIS Community and Residential Information System IISC Project # A18 Ministry of Children and Family Development 2005
CARIS is a project sponsored by the Ministry of Children and Family Development of the Government of British Columbia Project Developers: LogicLynx Technologies, Inc. Victoria, B.C.
The CARIS system. Is a clinically useful and comprehensive Case Management system specifically tailored to program needs. Provides multiple functions Supports collaboration within clinical teams.
What CARIS does Improves Accountability Supports Care Planning Identifies trends and issues Tracks outcomes. Provides a longitudinal client record
CARIS Project Scope: Maples Adolescent Treatment Centre Youth Forensic Psychiatric Services Child and Youth Mental Health Services Provincial Services for the Deaf and Hard of Hearing Status: Software development in testing stage Deployment begins September 2005
CARIS’ Value Clinicians Comprehensive, consistent case overview Teams Instant, up-to-date information and interaction Management Continuous, up-to-date case overview
Quick CARIS Tour Ease of Use Key Concepts Contexts Activities Search CARIS is rich in functionality and the quick CARIS tour covers some, but not all of the functions in the system.
Will CARIS be easy to use? Familiar web style desktop interface Designed to be easy to use Drop down lists and clearly identified fields
1. Viewing Panel 2. Navigation Tree 3. Context Bar
What about Security & Privacy? Security and Privacy is a matter of doing many small things properly including the handling of paper and passwords, policies, regulations, and following procedures. Government All CARIS users are behind the government firewall and resident on the government VPN. CARIS is a web application, but accessible only by authorized users. CARIS Handles privacy in a number of ways including: A complete audit trail Access wall between offices and programs Case Information accessibility is on a “need-to-know” basis and is controlled by the case manager
Context Definitions System Context Client Context Case Context When you initially log onto the system, no clients or cases have been selected, so you are in “System Context”.
System Context 1. Ann’s complete case list 3. No case in context 4. No client in context 2. User Profile
Client Context No case in context 1.Client is in context 5. Case list for the selected client 3. Client demographic file open 4. Edit client details
Case Context 1. Client is in context 2. Case is in context 3. Details of selected case
The SEARCH Function 1. Search functions are always available
1. Type in 2 letters like “jo” for John 2. A List containing all names with “jo” in them will appear
1. Advanced Search 2. Enter known details or characteristics
1. Located group members meeting requested specific criteria
What are Activities? Longitudinal History of Service The system provides a list of all activities that have occurred involving the particular case selected 1. Activities occurring for the case selected
The Activities Window
Activities Display 2. 1.
A typical event sequence
That Client’s Case Summary appears
Ann can also locate and view details of other people who are involved in the specific case in context.
You can view the Case Plan
Or you can create a new goal or objective
Closing the Case File here takes you to the Client Details Window
Demonstration The sequence you have just seen represents just one function of CARIS. A complete demonstration presentation is available which presents the entire program.