“Child” “Morning Song” “The Arrival of the Bee-Box” “Black Rook in Rainy Weather” “Mirror” “Poppies in July”
Born in Boston in 1932 to Otto (professor of German and Biology and a keen bee- lover) and Aurelia Plath. Excelled at school. Father died when she was eight. In the late 1930s he became increasingly ill and was convinced of his self-diagnosis of lung cancer. Later diagnosed with diabetes – now so advanced it threatened (and ended) his life.
In 1941 Sylvia's "Poem" was printed in the children's section of the Boston Herald. Attended Smith College in 1950 – became editor of a magazine. Had both successes and failures in her publications – lead to a ‘high-low’ life in which she often questioned her own talents.
Spent time in a psychiatric hospital (attempted suicide in 1953) 1955 Fulbright scholarship to Cambridge. Meets poet Ted Hughes in Feb. 1956, they marry in June Two children (Frieda and Nicholas) + cheating husband = rocky marriage!
Plath ended her life.