NATO / ISAF UNCLASSIFIED LOGO عملیاتهای نظامی در بخش ملکی What is CIMIC? A fghan N ational S ecurity F orces فعالیتهای یک فرماندهی که بمنظور ایجاد،حفظ ، نفوس ویا بهره برداری روابط میان قوتهای نظامی ، سازمانهای دولتی و غیر دولتی عامه ، مقامات و مردم ملکی بی طرف و یا مردم ساحه عملیات دشمن بمنظور تسهیل نمودن عملیاتهای نظامی ، تحکیم و نائیل امدن به هداف دولت میباشد.
NATO / ISAF UNCLASSIFIED LOGO Definition of Civil-Military Cooperation (CIMIC): The coordination and cooperation, in support of the mission, between the ANA Commanders on all levels and civil actors, including local population and local authorities, as well as international, national, and non-governmental organizations and agencies. عملیاتهای نظامی در بخش ملکی What is CIMIC تعریف عملیاتهای نظامی در بخش ملکی (سی ام او – CIMIC): تامین ارتباطات (گفت و شنودهای) قوای نظامی با مردم و مؤسسات ملکی جهت حمایه عملیات های نظامی و بدست آوردند اهداف اوپراتیفی. یا به عباره دیگر (مفصلتر)
NATO / ISAF UNCLASSIFIED LOGO Civil-Military Cooperation (NATO definition) The coordination and cooperation, in support of the mission, between the ANA Commander and civil actors, including national population and local authorities, as well as international, national and non- governmental organizations and agencies What is CIMIC Source: AJP ALLIED JOINT DOCTRINE FOR CIVIL-MILITARY COOPERATION coordination The meaning of coordination is twofold: 1. Coordination within the military structures of all issues related to CIMIC. 2. Harmonizing military efforts with civil actors to avoid duplication of efforts and the waste of scarce resources, in order to achieve a comprehensive approach to resolve a crisis. coordination The meaning of coordination is twofold: 1. Coordination within the military structures of all issues related to CIMIC. 2. Harmonizing military efforts with civil actors to avoid duplication of efforts and the waste of scarce resources, in order to achieve a comprehensive approach to resolve a crisis. cooperation 'Cooperation' with civil actors is one aim of NATO CIMIC. 'Cooperation' has to be understood as 'interaction'. This interaction might range from 'cooperation' as one extreme to 'co-existence' as the other extreme.cooperation 'Cooperation' with civil actors is one aim of NATO CIMIC. 'Cooperation' has to be understood as 'interaction'. This interaction might range from 'cooperation' as one extreme to 'co-existence' as the other extreme. !The military does not coordinate the activities of civil actors!
NATO / ISAF UNCLASSIFIED LOGO The aim and purpose of CIMIC is the interaction between military and civil actors within a comprehensive environment to support the military commander’s plan. Ideally, all actors will work to a common goal, but where this is not possible; this interaction will ensure that activities to support each plan are harmonized as far as possible. This interaction might consist of, but is not limited to, coordination, cooperation, mutual support, coherent joint planning and information exchange, or other activities as appropriate, covering the political mandate. It includes ANSF, governance, and civil actors. فعالیتهای یک فرماندهی که بمنظور ایجاد،حفظ ، نفوس ویا بهره برداری روابط میان قوتهای نظامی ، سازمانهای دولتی و غیر دولتی عامه ، مقامات و مردم ملکی بی طرف و یا مردم ساحه عملیات دشمن بمنظور تسهیل نمودن عملیاتهای نظامی ، تحکیم و نائیل امدن به هداف دولت میباشد. حمایت از دولت The Aim and Purpose of CIMIC
NATO / ISAF UNCLASSIFIED LOGO CIMIC is not… Charity Organisation… Construction Company… Fire Brigade… UN entity…
NATO / ISAF UNCLASSIFIED LOGO سازمانهای خیره...سازمانهای خیره... شرکت های ساختمانی... اطفایه....اطفایه.... سمیک نیست..... همپیمان یوناما...