ENTRY TASK Use your knowledge of directional terms to relate the structures to each other anatomically in a short sentence Example: toes to ankle The toes are distal to the ankle. Head to neck Wrist to hand Esophagus to vertebral column
AQUARIUM FIELD TRIP Discuss with a partner: Something you saw/learned that surprised or interested you.
DISSECTING SAFELY Read Along We will review these items EVERY time we Dissect. Keep this Handout in your Class Folder / Binder.
DISSECTION EQUIPMENT Hand Lens Dissecting Tray Forceps Dissecting Pins Scissors Probe Scalpel
SPONGE ‘DISSECTION’ Listen & Watch Do ONLY when told to DO INFORMATION: We are dissecting Sponge Spicules (the skeleton) Spicules can be calcareous (like shell), siliceous (like opal or glass) or spongin (like collagen)
WHAT DO YOU NOTICE? Sponges are filter feeders How are their bodies designed to help them filter feed? Sponges live stationary lives What traits do sponges have that help them survive?
HOMEWORK: Review frilled sea anemone dissection instructions Highlight important steps Note questions you have Watch video of sea anemone dissection posted on the class calendar