Phylum Porifera
Sessile: DO NOT MOVE! Stay in one place (rock or shell) Sponges HAVE NO specialized tissues, organs, or symmetry Live in shallow seas & some in fresh water
NONE! No Tissues (endo, ecto, or meso) No Organs
Spongin- Spongin- A flexible protein Spicules- Spicules- Needle-like structures Provide Support
Filter Feeder: (Heterotroph) porocytes Bring in small food particles from water through their porocytes (pores) spongocoel choanocytes Travels through spongocoel (central cavity) where the choanocytes trap & digest food amoebocytes Then the amoebocytes carry nutrients to cells & take away waste osculum Then the remaining water leaves through the osculum (opening at top of sponge)
Choanocyte Amoebocyte Sponge Feeding Video
NONE! Diffusion- Diffusion- Oxygen from water moves into sponge cells (high to low)
Asexual-Budding: Asexual- Budding: Small piece of sponge breaks off from parent & develops into a full grown sponge Sexual-Hermaphrodites: Sexual- Hermaphrodites: (Produce egg & sperm at different times) Sperm cells made by one sponge are carried to another sponge by water & once inside the sperm fertilizes the egg; egg develops into a larvae & attaches itself to an object in water where it develops into an adult Sponge Reproduction Video
Diffusion Waste leaves through osculum Diffusion Waste leaves through osculum Asymmetry
Look like balls, discs, vases, branching shrubs, or small trees