National Wildlife Refuge San Diego, California
About the Refuge.. Established in 1996 Stretches from Jamul to communities in Spring Valley Over 11,152 acres of costal sage scrub, chaparrral, riparian forest, and vernal pools Part of the Multiple Species Conservation Program (MSCP) a habitat conservation plan to preserve habitat and species
Riparian Forest Occurs along streams and rivers. Consists of trees generally taller than 20 feet high. Shrubby willows, and mature deciduous trees including Fremont’s cottonwood and several species of tree will.
Threatened and Endangered Species California Gnatcatcher Polioptila californica californica Endangered: on the brink of extinction now. Threatened: any species that is likely to become endangered in the near future.
Least Bell’s Vireo Vireo bellii pusillus
Quino Checkerspot Butterfly Euphydryas editha quino
San Diego Mesa Mint San Diego Fairy Shrimp
Water Quality Testing Coliform Bacteria Dissolved Oxygen Biochemical Oxygen Demand Nitrates pH Phosphates Temperature Turbidity
Test #1: Coliform Bacteria Naturally present in human digestive track. Presence indicates sewage or fecal contamination. Test indicates above or below 20 coliform colonies per 100 ml of water. Has to stand for 48 hours.
Test #2: Dissolved Oxygen Important to the health of an ecosystem. Cold water holds more oxygen. High amounts of sewage or rotting plants can decrease the amount of dissolved oxygen. Need temperature first!!
Test #3: Biochemical Oxygen Demand BOD is a measure of the quantity of dissolved oxygen used by bacteria as they break down organic wastes. Takes 5 days!
Test #4: Nitrate Nitrate is a nutrient needed by all aquatic plants and animals. Decomposition of plants and animals release nitrates. Excess nitrates increase plant growth and decay and increase bacterial decomposition, decreases oxygen. Sewage is the main source of nitrate. Agricultural runoff and fertilizer also contribute.
Test #5 pH Natural waters is usually between 6.5 and 8.2. Can be affected by industrial waste, agriculture runoff, or drainage from improperly run mining operations.
Test # 6: Phosphate Phosphate is a nutrient needed for plant and animal growth and for fundamental metabolic reactions. High levels can lead to overgrowth of plants, increased bacterial activity, and decreased dissolved oxygen levels. Comes from human and animal waste, industrial pollution, and agricultural runoff.
Test #7: Temperature Affects the amount of dissolved oxygen, rate of photosynthesis, and the sensitivity of organisms to toxic wastes, parasites and diseases. Thermal pollution, the discharge of heated water from industrial operations can cause temperature changes that threaten the balance of aquatic systems.
Test #8: Turbidity Clarity of water. Caused by suspended and colloidal matter such as clay, silt, organic and inorganic matter, and microscopic organisms. May be the result of soil erosion, urban runoff, algal blooms, and bottom sediment disturbances.