Things Fall Apart The Impact of One Story on the World
LT & Agenda ▪ LT: As a litterateur, I can utilize text evidence to explain Chinua Achebe’s response with Things Fall Apart to the single story presented in Joseph Conrad’s Heart of Darkness. ▪ Agenda ▪ LT/Energizer/HW ▪ Close Reading ▪ Together/Watch Me ▪ In Partners ▪ Share with table ▪ Share 2-3 key observations with the class ▪ Individual Close Reading - Graded
LT & Success Criteria ▪ LT: As a litterateur, I can utilize text evidence to explain Chinua Achebe’s response with Things Fall Apart to the single story presented in Joseph Conrad’s Heart of Darkness. ▪ Explain close reading strategies/approaches ▪ Apply multiple close reading strategies/approaches to passages ▪ Make connections between observations developed from close reading and larger thematic ideas
Entering the Classroom ▪ Good day! In order to be prepared for class, please complete the following tasks: ▪ Find your new-ish seat ▪ Take out your notebook and a writing utensil. ▪ Write down tonight’s homework. ▪ Please put away any electronic devices.
Getting Ready for the Day ▪ LT: As a litterateur, I can utilize text evidence to explain Chinua Achebe’s response with Things Fall Apart to the single story presented in Joseph Conrad’s Heart of Darkness. ▪ Homework: ▪ Due next class: T2Ted “Out of Africa” interview from The Guardian ▪ TFA Chapters 1-6 due Wednesday, January 20 ▪ Read your OR book! Timed Write February 2 ▪ Energizer: 1) What is the single story? 2) What is a single story that you’ve heard about another group of people at Tahoma?
Close Reading in Partners ▪ Work with your partner to closely read your assigned passage. Remember our steps and practice them: 1) Digest the text – What’s going on? How do I know? 2) Examine the text – How do the author’s choices help me understand or appreciate something that I didn’t notice the first time I read? 3) Make meaning and connections from the text – What does this text cause me to think or wonder about some larger aspect of the text and of the human condition? 1) Strategies for digesting the text: #leftmargin ▪ Number the paragraphs/sections ▪ Chunk the text into parts ▪ Summarize by being accurate, thorough, precise, and clear. ▪ Use the left margin 2) Strategies for examining the text: ▪ Underline literary devices ▪ Circle difficult words, key words, and important words 3) Strategies for making meaning: #rightmargin ▪ What is the author telling me? ▪ What does the author want me to understand? ▪ How does the author play with language to add to meaning?
Graded Exit Task – Demonstrate your close reading ability On the paper… 1) Put your name on the top right corner of the paper. 2) Demonstrate your ability to apply close reading. Success Criteria 3) Digest the text ▪ Chunk/Number the text, Summarize with precision and accuracy, use the left margin ▪ Check minus: 3 observations/summaries ▪ Examine the text ▪ Underline literary devices, circle difficult/key/important words ▪ Check/Check almost plus = 5 underlines/circles, one of which is a literary device ▪ Make meaning of the text ▪ What is the author telling me? What does the author want me to understand? How does the author play with language to add to meaning? ▪ Check minus = 1 observations