Honors World Literature Week 18
DO NOW: Monday, January 5 th, 2015 On a sheet of paper ( it will not be collected), explain something fun you did during your break. Be prepared to share with others.
Objectives: SWBAT summarize Part II of Things Fall Apart. SWBAT Define Diction SWBAT identify diction in Joseph Conrad’s Heart of Darkness. SWBAT summarize Part II of Things Fall Apart. SWBAT Define Diction SWBAT identify diction in Joseph Conrad’s Heart of Darkness.
Things Fall Apart PART II Summary (10 minutes) If you could title part II of Things Fall Apart, what would it be and why? Use evidence to support your work. Fill out your Character Chart as you discuss for new developments in characters in Part II If you could title part II of Things Fall Apart, what would it be and why? Use evidence to support your work. Fill out your Character Chart as you discuss for new developments in characters in Part II
Heart of darkness By Joseph Conrad Heart of Darkness centers around Marlow and his journey up the Congo River to meet Kurtz, an idealistic man of great abilities. Marlow takes a job as a riverboat captain with the Company to help with trade in the Congo. As he travels to Africa and then up the Congo, Marlow encounters widespread disorganization and brutality in the Company’s stations. The native inhabitants of the region have been forced into the Company’s service, and they suffer terribly from overwork and ill treatment at the hands of the Company’s agents. By Joseph Conrad Heart of Darkness centers around Marlow and his journey up the Congo River to meet Kurtz, an idealistic man of great abilities. Marlow takes a job as a riverboat captain with the Company to help with trade in the Congo. As he travels to Africa and then up the Congo, Marlow encounters widespread disorganization and brutality in the Company’s stations. The native inhabitants of the region have been forced into the Company’s service, and they suffer terribly from overwork and ill treatment at the hands of the Company’s agents.
Heart of Darkness With a partner, read the following excerpt and do the following: Step One: Highlight descriptive words that show imagery of “Darkness”.. Step Two: Circle unfamiliar words Step Three: Paraphrase each paragraph With a partner, read the following excerpt and do the following: Step One: Highlight descriptive words that show imagery of “Darkness”.. Step Two: Circle unfamiliar words Step Three: Paraphrase each paragraph
Exit Ticket How does diction play a role in the overall message of the excerpt?
Homework Read and Annotate Chapter 20. Complete Lens & Work on Character Chart
Do Now: Tuesday, January 6 th, 2015 SSR 15 minutes
Chapter 20 Questions: What does Okonkwo dissuade Ezinma from doing in Mbanta? Why does he do this? Why does Obierika exclaim that they cannot drive out the white men? What is the role of the Kotma? An allusion to the title is made in this chapter. Explain this allusion and analyze the significance of this line. Analyze why Okonkwo and Obierika sit in silence at the end of the chapter. What does Okonkwo dissuade Ezinma from doing in Mbanta? Why does he do this? Why does Obierika exclaim that they cannot drive out the white men? What is the role of the Kotma? An allusion to the title is made in this chapter. Explain this allusion and analyze the significance of this line. Analyze why Okonkwo and Obierika sit in silence at the end of the chapter.
Objectives: SWBAT identify similarities and differences between the missionaries and the igbo. SWBAT explore opportunity for the igbo and missionaries to coexist peacefully. SWBAT identify similarities and differences between the missionaries and the igbo. SWBAT explore opportunity for the igbo and missionaries to coexist peacefully.
Cultural Co-existence With a partner, identify 8 differences between both the Igbo and the Christians. Taking on the role of the mediator, create a possible way to resolve the issue in order for both groups to co-exist peacefully. You will have 15 minuets to complete Work at a Level 2 With a partner, identify 8 differences between both the Igbo and the Christians. Taking on the role of the mediator, create a possible way to resolve the issue in order for both groups to co-exist peacefully. You will have 15 minuets to complete Work at a Level 2
Exit Slip On a half sheet, what is needed in order for two groups to peacefully co-exist within a society? Give an example.
Homework Read and complete Lens handout for Chapters 21 & 22. Continue working on Character Chart.
Do Now: Wednesday, January 7 th, 2015: Chapter 21 &22 Reading Check 1. What does Okonkwo want his daughters to wait to do? Why? 2. What is Ogbuefi Ugonna one of the first men in Umuofia to do? 3. Who are the Ashy Buttocks? 4. Compare and contrast Mr. Brown to Mr. Smith. Give one character trait for each 5. Describe the “conflict between church and clan” that occurs in chapter What happens to Mr. Smith at the end of the chapter? 1. What does Okonkwo want his daughters to wait to do? Why? 2. What is Ogbuefi Ugonna one of the first men in Umuofia to do? 3. Who are the Ashy Buttocks? 4. Compare and contrast Mr. Brown to Mr. Smith. Give one character trait for each 5. Describe the “conflict between church and clan” that occurs in chapter What happens to Mr. Smith at the end of the chapter?
Objectives SWBAT use their lens to come up with a theme statement that pertains to Achebe’s goal.
Lens Discussion At your tables, take 7 minutes to talk through new findings with your groupmates. Ask each other questions. Think about the deeper meanings of things presented in the text in relation to your lens At your tables, take 7 minutes to talk through new findings with your groupmates. Ask each other questions. Think about the deeper meanings of things presented in the text in relation to your lens
Theme Statements What are they? Your assignment: Take 7 minutes to create a Theme Statement that pertains to your lens. Remember, the theme must relate to Achebe’s overall message/purpose. Afterwards, your groupmates will share their theme statements. You will then choose 1 that the group agrees is the best. As a group you will then find multiple pieces of evidence to support the theme statement. What are they? Your assignment: Take 7 minutes to create a Theme Statement that pertains to your lens. Remember, the theme must relate to Achebe’s overall message/purpose. Afterwards, your groupmates will share their theme statements. You will then choose 1 that the group agrees is the best. As a group you will then find multiple pieces of evidence to support the theme statement.
Homework Read and Complete Lens Handout for Chapter 23 & 24.
Do Now: Thursday, January 8 th, 2015 SSR 15 minutes
Things Fall Apart Chapter 23 & 24: Answer two of these questions. This chapter opens with the following statement: “For the first time in many years Okonkwo had a feeling that was akin to happiness.” Why is Okonkwo almost happy? What code of law does the District Commissioner use to judge the six Igbo leaders? Why does Okonkwo act in the way he does? What motivates him to do so? What is the reaction of the clansmen when Okonkwo does this? What does their reaction reveal about the state of the clan?
Objectives: SWBAT identify Achebe’s purpose in writing “Images of Africa”. SWBAT summarize “Images of Africa”. SWBAT identify Achebe’s purpose in writing “Images of Africa”. SWBAT summarize “Images of Africa”.
Group Read After each paragraph, write a one sentence summary of the paragraph. Annotate with questions, diction, deeper meaning, etc… Homework: Reading Due Monday, January 12 th, 2015 After each paragraph, write a one sentence summary of the paragraph. Annotate with questions, diction, deeper meaning, etc… Homework: Reading Due Monday, January 12 th, 2015
Do Now: Friday, January 9 th, 2015 Open up to Chapter 25!
Objectives: SWBAT discuss and debate Achebe’s purpose of writing Things Fall Apart.
Discussion Question: How and why have things fallen apart?