Income Inequality, Boston: Aggregate income, bottom quintile at 2%; top 5 % at 25%, 2008 w w w. b o s t o n i n d i c a t o r s. o r g
Income Inequality, US: After WW II, income inequality among American families declined, rising sharply in the 80’s into 2007
Comparative Income Inequality: The US is now an outlier among other wealthy industrialized (OECD) nations, 2007 w w w. b o s t o n i n d i c a t o r s. o r g
The Geography of Income Inequality: US Gini Ratio by State, 2007 MA Gini ratio:.47 NY Gini ratio:.50 MA MA Gini ratio:.47 NY Gini ratio:.50
The Geography of Income Inequality: New England Counties, Gini Ratio, Fairfield County Gini ratio:.54 Suffolk County Gini ratio:.51 Lincoln County Gini ratio:.48 w w w. b o s t o n i n d i c a t o r s. o r g
The Geography of Income Inequality: Just 47 of 3200 US counties had a Gini ratio above.51 in
Correlation of Inequality and Quality of Life: Obesity Rate by State,1997
Correlation of Inequality and Quality of Life: Obesity Rate by State, 2007
The Geography of Income Inequality: Just 47 of 3200 US counties had a Gini ratio above.51 in
Percentage African American by US County
Percent Children in Poverty by Census Tract, Boston 2000
Percent African-American Population – by Census Tract, Boston, 2000 This Map Shows that a Gini Ratio of.51 and above is quite high even among Developing Countries for which there is reliable data.
Percent Latino Population – by Census Tract, Boston, 2000
Foreclosures by Boston Census Tract, 2008 Countries with Gini Ratio above.51 This Map Shows that a Gini Ratio of.51 and above is quite high even among Developing Countries for which there is reliable data.
Correlation of Income Inequality With Quality of Life: Children in Poverty by Census Tract (2000) and Foreclosed Properties, Boston, 2008
©2007 University of Massachusetts