The Freeborn English 1.6
Where Did Rights Come From? 1215 Magna Carta applied to all –King subject to law –Security in persons & property Common Law –Habeas corpus (can’t be imprisoned w/o charge) –Face accuser –Trial by jury
Liberty & Authority Liberties more like privileges –Obedience to the law. Extremely hierarchical society –5% control all economic wealth & power Each class enjoys more freedom –Knowing your place & fulfilling your duties
Christian Liberty Freedom from sin = servants to God Christian liberty was not religious toleration –Anglican Church – regulate worship & belief –Govt& Church persecute dissenters Uniformity central to public order Religion public not private choice
English Family Male centered Doctrine of “coverture” –Women lost legal identity when married –Can’t own property, sign contracts, control wages, write a separate will, or divorce
Man is king over family –Like King & subjects –Like Christ is head of Church –If you question threatening whole social order
1640’s English Civil War Parliament vs. Stuart monarchs (James & Charles) –Church of England vs. Catholicism –Powers of the king Taxes w/o parliament Imprison political foes Catholicism Civil War 1642
1649 Charles I beheaded monarchy abolished 1660 Charles II on the thrown Intense talk of liberty & authority & “freeborn Englishman”
Debate Over Freedom Civil War sparks new ideas of freedom –1649 calls for freedom of press & speech –Religious sects demand end of public support for & privilege for Anglican Church –Toleration of all protestants
The Levellers Movement 1 st democratic political movement Constitution, expand suffrage, abolish monarchy & House of Lords “The poorest that lives in England has a live to live just as the greatest man.” Freedom a universal right not a privilege
Diggers Common ownership of land = economic freedom True freedom for all “a comfortable livelihood in their own land”
Radical movements crushed by the time monarchy was restored. Some ideas will make there way to America
English Freedom Freedom a common right King rules over free man –unique in Europe Best system – law makes men free not slaves British Empire guardian of liberty –Catholic Spain & France = tyranny
America Freedom tied to land ownership Pending conflict w/ Indians