Mannerism – between the Renaissance & Baroque Periods c Deliberate distortion: elongated, twisting forms -- Usually religious -- Dramatic lighting, emotional
El Greco “View of Toledo”
El Greco “St. Martin and the Beggar”
Baroque Dramatic use of light Meant to evoke emotion Shows movement, depth Magnificent cathedrals to attract worshippers back to the Catholic church…Associated with the Counter Reformation!!! – example main altar in St. Peter’s by Bernini. Secular architectural example - Versailles
“Las Meninas” Velazquez
“Conversion of St. Paul” Caravaggio
“Self Portrait” Rembrandt
“The Night Watch” Rembrandt
“Woman Weighing Pearls,” Vermeer
Rubens, The Arrival of Marie de' Medici at Marseilles
“Helena” Rubens
Bernini “The Ecstasy of St. Teresa”
“David” Bernini
The main altar at St. Peter’s Basilica, Rome - Bernini
Palace of Versailles – Entrance from the Avant-Court
Palace of Versailles Great Hall of Mirrors