Phys 150 Lecture 71 Please sit together in pairs: –Onyema and Jason –Alejandra and Jiayuan –Chris and Erica –Ryan and John W. –John F. and Dian –Walter and Michael –Max and Honglu –Amanda and Matt –Pauline and Lin –Jennifer and Anwen –Alexandra and Mengyue –David and Melissa –Abigael and Erich –Jake and Irfan Phys 150 Lecture 221
12-Apr-2011 Phys 150 Lecture 222 Announcements Homework 11 is due on Sunday, April 28 at midnight. Exam 2 will be graded by Thursday. Final Exam is Tuesday, May 7, 7:00 -10:00 PM, in class. Covers Chapters 1-10 and Chapters 6, 25 from MacKay.
12-Apr-2011 Phys 150 Lecture 223 i>clicker question The most important reason to use alternative energy is A.fossil fuels are expensive B.burning fossil fuels emits carbon dioxide C.the world is running out of fossil fuels D.the US is dependent on other nation’s fossil fuels
12-Apr-2011 Phys 150 Lecture 224 i>clicker question The most important reason to use alternative energy is A.fossil fuels are expensive – not yet B.burning fossil fuels emits carbon dioxide - yes C.the world is running out of fossil fuels - not yet D.the US is dependent on other nations’ fossil fuels – liquid fuels only
12-Apr-2011 Phys 150 Lecture 225 i>clicker question A 100 W light bulb requires electric power of 100 W. How much electric energy does it consume in one hour? A.1 W B.100 W C.1 Wh D.100 Wh
12-Apr-2011 Phys 150 Lecture 226 i>clicker question A 100 W light bulb requires electric power of 100 W. How much electric energy does it consume in one hour? A.1 W B.100 W C.1 Wh D.100 Wh = 0.1 kWh
12-Apr-2011 Phys 150 Lecture 227 i>clicker question The power contained in all the sunlight hitting the Earth is greater than the power used by mankind by a factor of A.3 B.20 C.500 D.8000
12-Apr-2011 Phys 150 Lecture 228 i>clicker question The power contained in all the sunlight hitting the Earth is greater than the power used by mankind by a factor of A.3 B.20 C.500 D.8000 Sunlight = 1 kW/m 2 = 1 GW/km 2 Mankind uses about 16 Terawatts of primary energy
19-Apr-2011 Phys 150 Lecture 249 Concentrated Solar Power Seville, Spain SEGS, California
19-Apr-2011 Phys 150 Lecture 2410 i>clicker question Estimate the peak electrical power of SEGS (6.5 km 2 ) A.3.5 MW B.35 MW C.350 MW D.3.5 GW
19-Apr-2011 Phys 150 Lecture 2411 i>clicker question Estimate the peak electrical power of SEGS (6.5 km 2 ) A.3.5 MW B.35 MW C.350 MW D.3.5 GW -km 2 = 1 GW -Mirrors cover about 1/4 of area -Efficiency of electricity production around 25% -6.5 GW x 1/4 x 0.25 ≈ 400 MW
19-Apr-2011 Phys 150 Lecture 2412 Concentrated Solar Power Seville 11 MW SEGS 350 MW
19-Apr-2011 Phys 150 Lecture 2413 i>clicker question Estimate the average power of SEGS (350 MW peak power) A.15 MW B.25 MW C.75 MW D.150 GW
19-Apr-2011 Phys 150 Lecture 2414 i>clicker question Estimate the average power of SEGS (350 MW peak power) A.15 MW B.25 MW C.75 MW D.150 GW Combination of nighttime and cloudiness (20% capacity factor) Power density of 75 MW/6.5 km 2 = 12 W/m 2
19-Apr-2011 Phys 150 Lecture 2415 i>clicker question To power all of North America with energy from Concentrated Solar would require a facility the size of A.Ohio B.Arizona C.Texas D.Texas plus Arizona
19-Apr-2011 Phys 150 Lecture 2416 i>clicker question To power all of North America with energy from Concentrated Solar would require a facility the size of A.Ohio B.Arizona C.Texas D.Texas plus Arizona
12-Apr-2011 Phys 150 Lecture 2217 Solar Photovoltaic Agua Caliente, AZ 250 MW peak (400 MW peak 2014)
Solar Photovoltaic Qinghai, China 200 MW peak 36 MW average
12-Apr-2011 Phys 150 Lecture 2219 i>clicker question This facility under construction in California is A.Solar thermal B.Concentrated solar power C.Solar photovoltaic D.All of the above Phys 150 Lecture 2319
12-Apr-2011 Phys 150 Lecture 2220 i>clicker question This facility under construction in California is A.Solar thermal B.Concentrated solar power – solar thermoelectric C.Solar photovoltaic D.All of the above Phys 150 Lecture 2320 Ivanpah Solar Power Facility 400 MW
12-Apr-2011 Phys 150 Lecture 2221 i>clicker question This facility under construction in California is A.Solar thermal B.Concentrated solar power – solar thermoelectric C.Solar photovoltaic D.All of the above Gemasolar (Spain) 20 MW Phys 150 Lecture 2321