Lecture 1
If you’re going to marry a foreigner, what might be the problems that you’ll face?
family language custom religion culture
Ian MillerToula Portokalos a high school teacher, vegetarian Greek, 30
Wedding of Great Culture Shock
Part I: Toula and Her Family
What different roles do Toula’s mother and father play respectively in her family? Question for consideration
Part II: Toula ‘s Love
Why doesn’t Toula’s father agree to Toula’s love with Ian? What do you think of the American society? A salad bowl or a melting pot? Why Questions for consideration
Part III: Toula ‘s Family Vs. Ian’s Familay
Points for Attention Baptism Christianity Easter Differences between Toula’s and Ian’s families
Part IV: The Wedding Bride and Groom
Best Man
Maid of Honor
Point for Attention The procedure of the wedding
Now, how do you understand the title “My Big Fat Greek Wedding”?
Assignment presentation of 6 to 8 minutes 4 in 1 group everyone shall be involved in the presentation narrow your presentation to one specific aspect of the topic given content, pronunciation and intonation, cooperation, fluency
Presentation Topics 1.Woman’s role / Family 2.Christianity 3.Easter 4.Wedding ceremony 5.Minorities in the U.S. compare & contrast
Wedding of Great Culture Shock Lecture 2
Women’s role /Family Topic One
--Christianity Topic Two Three Branches of Christianity Sacraments
Three Branches of Christianity Roman Catholicism (28%) Protestantism (57%) Orthodox
Sacraments ( 圣礼 ) Protestantism Baptism 洗礼 Eucharist 圣餐 CatholicismOrthodox Baptism Confirmation 坚信礼 Eucharist Penance 忏悔 Extreme Unction 涂油礼 Holy Orders 圣职 Matrimony 结婚
Christian Beliefs A set of beliefs A way of life A community of people (based on the life and teachings of Jesus Christ )
--Easter Topic Three Origin Date Customs
Origin Jesus’ resurrection
Date After the first full moon A Sunday, between March 22 and April 25
Shrove Tuesday Ash Wednesday Palm Sunday Holy Saturday Good Friday Maundy Thursday Lent Holy Week Easter Sunday Ascension Day Pentecost Whitsun
Easter Bunny
Topic Four
Wedding Ceremony
Minorities in America: Salad Bowl Melting Pot Mosaic 1 2 Topic Five 3
Father’s speech at the reception party We are fruits!
Immigrant populations within the United States are not being blended together in one "pot", but rather they are transforming American Society into a truly multicultural mosaic.