GKHS S TUDENT E XPECTATIONS Learning Environment Open to receive Learning Professional Environment Attend class with proper materials and completed assignments Respect people, property and the learning process
Assembly/ Performance Event Behavior Listen for the Attention Signal (hand raised) Respectfully say the Flag Salute and sing the National Anthem Assemblies have a purpose (recognition, MLK, Veteran’s Day, speakers...) Your behavior needs to match the purpose of the assembly Avoid talking during the performance Clap only when appropriate GKHS Student Expectations
Event Behavior Represent GK with pride and sophistication GKHS behavioral expectations apply Show respect and good sportsmanship to the students, community, and campus of the schools you visit SPSL Sportsmanship Code must be followed GKHS Student Expectations
Regular Buses GK behavior expectations apply on all buses. Buses will not wait for you, so head directly to the bus area after school Activity Busses GK behavior expectations apply on buses. Student athletes will have a colored sticker depending on season. A Bus Pass issued by teacher or activity sticker is required to ride the activity bus Busses will not wait for you-so head to the bus area directly after your practice or activity GKHS Student Expectations
GKHS S TUDENT E XPECTATIONS Teacher Dismisses the Class GK teachers teach from bell to bell The bell is a reminder to the teacher You are to remain seated until your teacher dismisses you.
Guest Teachers Class is to operate as normal Self monitor your behavior Treat the guest teacher with respect and kindness Produce quality work If your name is written down for a negative action (no matter how small), you will have an office referral and a phone call home GKHS Student Expectations
Courtyard/ Lunchroom Expectations Respect the area Keep it clean - pick up after yourself No line cuts at the Snack Line Bathrooms available by the ASB/Science Hallway Food allowed in Commons and Courtyard Only Stay out of the flowerbeds in Courtyard Avoid feeding birds Hacky sack is allowed in Courtyard GKHS is a closed campus - no off campus privileges GKHS Student Expectations
Stairs, Hallways, and the Bridge Up and down on right hand side Continuous, steady movement No stopping & standing by the library entrance No stopping & standing on the bridge Quiet voices Railings are for safety-not for sliding GKHS Student Expectations
Areas Open Before & After School Commons opens at 6:55am Halls open at 7:20 - Movement to classrooms only. Commons and halls close at 2:30 Library hours: Open from 7:00 – 3:00 Hall passes or teacher escort is required if staying after school past 2:30. GKHS Student Expectations
Elevators Elevators are for students with a key only Do not ride along with a friend If you have an injury that requires crutches, see the front office for a key GKHS Student Expectations
Nelson Elementary & Frontier Middle School OFF LIMITS during school hours unless you have a class at FMS If you want to visit after school: Enter through the front doors only Sign in and get a guest pass Try to prearrange your visit GKHS Student Expectations
Emergency Procedures Stay quiet and calm until information is shared Stay close to the teacher responsible for you Walk at all times Attendance will be taken immediately after returning to the classroom GKHS Student Expectations
Identifying Yourself Washington State law requires students to identify themselves when a staff member asks for their name. When asked, state your full name slowly and clearly. Automatic suspension will be issued for students who fail to identify themselves properly when any adult asks their name. GKHS Student Expectations
Orange and Blue Starts With You!! RespectToleranceAcceptance BRAINSTORM: Ways you/we can ….. ….make a difference at GK. …daily respect people, show tolerance, and accept all students and staff at GK. …hold each other accountable for having these behaviors in and out of this classroom.