A New Genre Arrives Collaboration between India and United States Blends Indian themes and story lines with American special effects Due to the recent American credit crunch, Hollywood studios have looked to new sources of financing Reliance ADA Group invested $500 million in Steven Spielberg last year Have announced future investing in movies starring Brad Pitt, Jim Carrey, Tom Hanks, and many other A list movie stars Big time Indian movies cost $20 million versus Hollywood’s $100 million movies.
Current Statistics of Hollywood vs. Bollywood Hollywood Ticket sales fell to $9.6 billion Attendance is down 5% from 2007 Bollywood Film industry has grown 15% annually Projected to hit $4 billion by 2012 Up from $1.9 billion in 2007
Up and Coming Collaborations Paul Schrader (screenwriter for “Taxi Driver” and “Raging Bull) is working with an Indian producer. Sylvester Stallone will appear in “Kambakkht Ishq” or also known as “Incredible Love” Shot in California Starring Akshay Kumar (Indian movie star) “Broken Horses” English-language gangster movie Indian writer, Vidhu Vinod Chopra
Successes Thus Far “Slumdog Millionaire” A rags-to-riches story about the slums of Mumbai Grossed more than $69 million in U.S. so far Nominated for 10 Academy Awards Including Best Picture
Big Name Indian Movie Stars Abhishek Bachchan Aishwarya Rai- Bachchan Kareena Kapoor Akshay Kumar Shahrukh Khan
Possible Downfalls American audiences may not like Indian-style song and dance numbers paired with melodramatic staples. Example 1: In 2007, Columbia produced “Saawariya,” which only earned $885,574 in American theatres. Example 2: Last month, Warner Brothers released “Chandni Chowk to China,” a Bollywood kung fo movie. It has grossed a total of $916,214. American movie’s, such as “Spider-Man 3,” have done well in America, but 95% of Indian box offices are made up of Indian movies.
“Hisss” American Director Indian Stars Scheduled to open in India and U.S. this fall Hollywood special effects Bollywood song-and- dance Shot in Mumbai Ancient myth about a snake goddess who takes human form
Jennifer Lynch (Hisss) Lynch is the director of “Hisss” American People translate her directions to Indian workers Brought a level of organization that’s lacking in most Bollywood productions Scouted own locations Mapped out each scene on storyboards