NJHS April 27, 2012
EXPECTATIONS 0 Conduct: 0 N/U – automatic dismissal hearing 0 Teacher reports – probation 0 Grades: 0 Maintain 90 average 0 Check every 3 weeks 0 Probation for 3 weeks then dismissal 0 Community Service 0 20 hours for the year 0 10 per semester 0 Hour log can be printed from NJHS website 0 Meeting Attendance (large group & committee) 0 1 st unexcused absence per semester – probation 0 2 nd unexcused absence per semester – dismissal 0 Communication
Officers 0 Application process 0 Essay explaining why you would like to be an officer & your vision for the NJHS class 0 Essays are due to Mrs. Fieldhouse in room 601 by 1:00 PM Friday May 4 th 0 Faculty committee will narrow down the candidates to no more than 3 per office & finalists will be notified Monday May 7 th 0 Finalists will create a short (less than 2 minute) campaign speech & video that will be due to Mrs. Fieldhouse, via , by Thursday May 10 th 0 Videos will be posted to the NJHS website & balloting will begin Friday May 11 th 0 Voting will close Tuesday May 15 th 0 Officers will be announced at the 7 th Grade Awards Ceremony on Thursday May 17 th
Induction Ceremony 0 May 8,, 7:00 PM – HMS SAC 0 Arrive by 6:45 to get organized 0 Guests welcome 0 Dress Attendance is mandatory unless you notify Mrs. Fieldhouse or Mrs. Ray, in writing, by May 4 th
Action Items 0 T-shirt Designs – template can be found on NJHS website under ‘ Elections’ tab 0 Notecards 0 Poster 0 Dues - $10; can be dropped off to Mrs. Fieldhouse anytime before Induction Ceremony 0 Officer applications – can be found on NJHS website under ‘ Elections’ tab; Due to Mrs. Fieldhouse by 1:00 on Friday May 4 th 0 By-Laws: Can be found on NJHS website under ‘Receipt of Reading By- Laws’ tab; Must be read & signed by May 25 th