Middle School Long Jump Sue Humphrey USA Track & Field
Middle School Athletes Team Emphasis \ Athlete Selection Athlete Interests
Sprinting Technique * Teach the basics * Focus on technique, consistency * Video
Transfer To The Approach * Work on 8-12 stride approach * Develop this on the track first * Part of speed workout * Focus on good sprinting form
Phases of the Approach * Goal of the approach * Tempo of run * Phases to use* Body positions
Prepare For Take Off * Body positions * Penultimate step ? Why? * Maintain speed * Check marks
Take Off * Speed * Body positions * Eyes, Arms * Foot placement
In The Air * Keep it simple! * Still maintain rules of physics
Counter Rotation In The Air * How does the jumper do this? * Which is best for middle school athletes? * Why?
Landing * Cues * Goal of landing * How to practice it
Let’s Look At Some Jumpers
Tips * Landing determines take-off positions * Making corrections * How to work on take-off angle * Box jumps
Practice Time * Limited time * Other events * Social interactions * Number of coaches * Facilities * Safety!!!!
Sue Humphrey