Next Step Plans & Preparing for your Student Led Conference
Next Step Plans We have to prepare your Next Step Plan so you can get your parent/guardian to sign it at your Student Led Conference on February 26 th or 29 th
Teachers, please hand the following to each student: 1.Grade specific Next Step Plans (there are names printed on them) 2.Outline for Student Led Conference (one to every student)
We have pre-populated some information onto these forms for you but we still need to have you fill out a few items 1.Career Cluster – Check the one that most interests you – See the next slide for a graphic that shows careers in each cluster 16 CAREER CLUSTERS: Marketing, Sales & Service Finance Business Management & Administration Health Sciences Agriculture, Food, & Natural Resources Architecture & Construction Arts, Audio/Video Tech. & Communication Law, Public Safety, Corrections & Security Manufacturing Transportation, Distribution & Logistics Information Technology Science, Technology, Engineering & Mathematics (STEM) Human Services Education & Training Government & Public Administration Hospitality & Tourism Next Step Plans for Underclass Students
This graphic shows related careers in each of the 16 career clusters to give you some ideas when making your selection
2. Possible Occupation (Career/Job) within that cluster – Write down an occupation that you are interested in pursing that is part of the Career Cluster you checked 3. Post-High School Educational Career Pathway – What type of education and/or training will you need to enter this occupation – Please write down whether you plan to attend a 2-year College, 4- year College, receive on-the-job training or participate in an apprenticeship Next Step Plans for Underclass Students
4. Take a look at the next section and read through the testing to see what testing you will be taking before graduation 5. Please check Yes or No to show whether you are proficient in English Next Step Plans for Underclass Students
6. Course of Study for Next School Year The Counselors have completed pre-registration presentations for current juniors and sophomores and will be presenting to freshmen next week. Juniors – write down the courses you listed on your registration card Sophomores and Freshmen – when you complete your registration card please also write your courses down on your Next Step Plan before it is due Next Step Plans for Underclass Students
7. Are you on target with graduation requirements? Based on the information below, answer Yes or No on your Next Step Plan Class of 2017 Will you complete 19 credits AND 3 English, 3, Math, 3 Science, NM History, Health, US History and World History by the end of this year? Class of 2018 Will you complete 13 credits AND 2 English, 2, Math, 2 Science, NM History, Health, and World History by the end of this year? Class of 2019 Will you complete 6 credits AND 1 English, 1, Math, 1 Science, NM History and Health by the end of this year? Next Step Plans for Underclass Students
8. Are you on target with one of the following requirements Advanced Placement, Honors, Dual Credit, Distance Learning? You must take one full year of one of these type of classes: – Advanced Placement (AP) – Honors – Dual Credit (classes at CNM or UNM) – Distance Learning (online classes) Mark Yes if you have already completed this, will complete this by the end of this year or are scheduled to complete this requirement next year Mark No if you do not have a plan for meeting this requirement Next Step Plans for Underclass Students
9. Are you on target with completing one credit of a career/workplace readiness or language other than English course? Mark Yes if you have already completed this, will complete this by the end of this year or are scheduled to complete this requirement next year Next Step Plans for Underclass Students
9.If you answered No to one of the last three questions, please describe how you plan to make up necessary courses and meet the graduation requirements 10. Sign and date your Next Step Plan Next Step Plans for Underclass Students
The next step is filling out the back page of your Next Step Plan. Please fill out this section Next Step Plans for Underclass Students
Now we will spend a few minutes filling out your goals for next year. Write your goals on the lines for the grade you will be in next year (i.e. current 9 th write on 10 th ) Make sure that your goals are SMART: Specific Measurable Achievable Relevant Time-Bound Next Step Plans for Underclass Students
Think about the career you are planning to pursue after high school and write a goal Example: Explore my future career as a Business Owner by taking Business classes (Fundamentals of Marketing, Advanced Marketing and Business Management) which in high school and earning A/B’s in these classes. Write your goal on under the Long-Term Career Goal section on your Next Step Plan What are your long-term career goals?
Think about your academic goals for next year based upon your academic work so far Do you want to… Get a certain GPA (say, 3.0)? Pass all your classes? Do all your homework? Do well enough to qualify for an honors or AP class next year? Learn another language? Write your goal on under the Academic Goal section on your Next Step Plan What are your academic goals for the following grade?
Extra-curricular activities are very important in the college application process as well as when you are applying for jobs – Colleges/universities look for extra-curricular activities to find students who are doing more than just studying They look for students who have – Explored their chosen career field – Held leadership positions – Taken part in activities where they have gained knowledge On your Next Step Plan answer the question “What extra-curricular activities do you participate in or plan to participate in?” (the next slide shows a list of LCHS Clubs/Organizations, the contact person and when they meet) What extra-curricular activities do you participate in or plan to participate in?
LCHS Extra-Curricular Activities AP Book Club Michael SanchezMichael Sanchez - Club Sponsor – C2 (505) ext (Voice Mail) Asian Club Jin YoshidaJin Yoshida - Club Sponsor – B18/B20 (505) ext (Voice Mail) Band John ConverseJohn Converse - Band Director – A7/11 (505) ext (Voice Mail) Bowling Regina Caller Regina Caller - Club Sponsor – C19 (505) ext (Voice Mail) Choir/Show Choir Deanna AmendDeanna Amend - Choral Director – A8 (505) ext (Voice Mail) CyberPatriots Sean Endler Sean Endler – Club Sponsor – Library (505) ext (Voice Mail) DECA Lacee Manus Lacee Manus - Teacher/Sponsor – G3 (505) ext (Voice Mail) Richard FaulknerRichard Faulkner - Teacher/Sponsor – G9 (505) ext (Voice Mail) Drama Wendy HallWendy Hall - Teacher/Director – A1 (505) ext (Voice Mail) English National Honor Society Kevin Balder Kevin Balder – Club Sponsor – C2 (505) – ext French Club Stephen PartStephen Part – Sponsor Meets Wed. 2:30 in C24 (505) ext (Voice Mail) French National Honor Society Ginger RinaldiGinger Rinaldi – Sponsor – C23 (505) ext (Voice Mail) Gardening Club Marissa Cogan Marissa Cogan – Sponsor – C5 (505) ext Gay Straight Alliance Stephen PartStephen Part – Sponsor Meets Tues 2:30 in C24 (505) ext (Voice Mail) German Club Cathy Gamble Cathy Gamble – Sponsor – C16 ( ext Jazz Band John ConverseJohn Converse - Band Director – A7/11 (505) ext (Voice Mail) Key Club Ron NeuserRon Neuser – Sponsor Meets Mon 6:30 in Lecture Hall (505) ext (Voice Mail) Literary Magazine Martha BedeauxMartha Bedeaux – Sponsor – C28 (505) ext (Voice Mail) Model UN Greg ShawGreg Shaw – Sponsor – D8 (505) ext (Voice Mail) Newspaper Susan Schripsema Susan Schripsema – Sponsor – C33 (505) ext (Voice Mail) NHS: National Honor Society Jim ZalewskiJim Zalewski - Sponsor/Teacher – C25 (505) ext (Voice Mail) Orchestra Rebecca SimonsRebecca Simons - Conductor/Teacher – A7/11 (505) ext (Voice Mail) Peer Mentorship Flip Knutson Flip Knutson – Club Sponsor/Teacher – C13 (505) ext Project Peace Pal Gerri BarnhartGerri Barnhart – Librarian/Sponsor Meets Mon 2:30 in Library (505) ext Robotics Club Mike Reilly Mike Reilly – Sponsor – Counseling (505) ext ROTC 1st Sergeant A. Griego1st Sergeant A. Griego - Staff/Teacher – D2/D4 (505) ext (Voice Mail) Senate Leigh ArnettLeigh Arnett - Activities Director Meets Tues & Thurs 6:40 am in Lecture Hall (505) ext (Voice Mail) Spanish National Honor Society Justin Duggins Justin Duggins / Oriana Pino-Pliel C11/C12 (505) ext (Voice Mail)Oriana Pino-Pliel Speech and Debate Susan Schripsema Susan Schripsema – Sponsor Meets Thurs 6:30 in Lecture Hall (505) ext (Voice Mail) Sports Medicine Spencer AllenSpencer Allen - Trainer/Sponsor – D9 (505) ext (Voice Mail) Teens in Prevention Linda Thompson Linda Thompson – Sponsor Meets Tues 2:30 in Bear Care (Nurse Office) Thespians Wendy HallWendy Hall - Teacher/Director – A1 (505) ext (Voice Mail) The HERD Aimee Wray Aimee Wray – Club Sponsor – C1 (505) ext Ultimate Frisbee Frank Timm Frank Timm – Sponsor – G6 Tues/Friday 3:00 HH Park Winter Guard John ConverseJohn Converse – Teacher – F16 (505) ext (Voice Mail) Yearbook John BryantJohn Bryant - Teacher/Sponsor/Editor – G2 (505) ext (Voice Mail)
Fill in what you are currently planning to do after high school (it’s ok if you change your mind) Examples: – Attend a 4-year university and study Journalism – Attend a 2-year college to earn a degree in Cosmetology – Participate in an Apprenticeship program to learn a trade (plumbing, welding, etc.) What are your plans for after high school for training & learning to support your career goals?
Write a goal about something you would like to work on for the next school year. Example: Develop strategies to better manage my time in order to get all my assignments done on time and leave time to study for exams. What are your personal and/or social goals?
During your Student-Led Conference, you will go over your Next Step Plans with your parent/guardian as well as provide them with an overview of how you are doing in school this year. Please take out a piece of paper Preparing for your Student Led Conference
Write down three things from your Next Step Plan that you would like to share with your parent/guardian Write down your current grade in each of your classes and one thing you would like to do to improve on that grade for the 2 nd 6 week grading period Preparing for your Student Led Conference
Remember, at the Student-Led Conference, you will get your parent/guardian to sign your Next Step Plan. If your parent/guardian decides not to schedule a Student-Led Conference time, you will need to take this document home and get it signed. All Next Step Plans must be completed and returned to your 5 th period teacher by Friday, March 4th Next Step Plans